‘Trust The Science’ – IOTW Report

‘Trust The Science’

A historical retrospective on the phrase:

20 Comments on ‘Trust The Science’

  1. And the magical Coca plant. People were literally addicted to the original Coca Cola.

    The science is settled: you can’t ‘trust’ scientists. You have to subject them to scientific proof! Ironic, isn’t it?

  2. “Actually DDT is not known to be harmful to humans and is in fact a fantastic too in reducing mosquito borne diseases”

    And if you didn’t smoke while working with asbestos your risk of lung disease was miniscule.

    There’s “science” and then there’s science. Just about anything can be perverted to nefarious or diabolical ends.
    (and “scientists” enjoy money as do the rest of us)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Rachael Carson was a total fraud and all her claims have been debunked. Silent Spring is BS from cover to cover. All she did was ensure that millions in the third world died from mosquito born disease that DDT could have prevented.

  4. Concerning DDT, Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” was bunk. An accurate book would have been dull as dishwater, so Carson doctored the science and came up with an alarmist environmentalist tract instead of an honest popular book about science.

  5. DDT was overused with that being the reason it got the bad rap. Where it was used for mosquito control it virtually did away with malaria carrying mosquitoes, not controlled, eradicated. I wish I had some to use around my place.

  6. You would think that modern man would understand the need for patient time consuming testing and evaluation after examples like these and maybe they do?
    That is why I sometimes get the sense that world leaders may know things about the COVID-19 that is requiring this desperate dash to save the world, other than the great reset and population control. Of course it may be just that, but whatever I don’t worry about the pandemic, I enjoy my time on this earth as long as the good Lord keeps me here.

  7. Here’s some more sCiEnCe to trust, from noted research center WFLA, Channel 8 news in El Paso:

    “Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds”

    Yes, my dear Ivermectin-hating trolls, this is the next big thing for you. According to “Researchers at three universities in Nigeria”, who did this “research” ten years ago, Ivermectin is causing a fertility crisis in Africa. Indeed, we can see the disastrous effects of Ivermectin on male fertility, as vast tracts of the Dark Continent have become depopulated, and African governments desperately call on African migrants all over the world to return home.

    So join the Nigerian princes and spread the word, trolls: Ivermectin will steal your peepee just as surely as any witch-doctor. I have helpfully provided a link for you to spread on SocMed:



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