New U.S. guidelines ban network-connected voting systems, acknowledging vulnerability to attack – IOTW Report

New U.S. guidelines ban network-connected voting systems, acknowledging vulnerability to attack

JTN- After years of warnings about state-sponsored hackers and the contentious end of the 2020 election, the federal commission that sets the standards for American voting machines has made a major change rather quietly: Going forward, vote systems cannot be connected to any digital networks, and wireless technology must be disabled too.

The Election Assistance Commission’s Voluntary Voter System Guidelines 2.0 were released earlier this year without much fanfare and nominal media coverage, even though they were the first major revisions since 2015 and the first complete overhaul since VVSG 1.0 was issued 16 years ago.

The last guidelines from 2015 permitted connectivity to what was called “public telecommunications networks,” provided that any data transmitted was encrypted and network-connected machines were able to “preserve the secrecy of voter ballot selections and prevent anyone from violating ballot privacy.” Outside the guidelines, however, EAC urged election administrators and voting machine makers through certification reviews to avoid direct connections to the internet to have the best practices. read more

11 Comments on New U.S. guidelines ban network-connected voting systems, acknowledging vulnerability to attack

  1. The Election Assistance Commission’s Voluntary Voter System Guidelines has “new requirements”. Little gives me more confidence that a requirement within a set of voluntary guidelines.

    This is just more of the same word play we get from the progressives. The cyber experts quoted in the article tell us all we need to know. The next election, from the perspective of cyber security, will be no different from the last.

  2. It doesn’t really matter WHAT your counting system is if one party is allowed to prevent the other party from watching and can board the windows up so only true believers can see the final, critical “vote count”.

    The results will be the same.

  3. Voting machine companies want wireless capabilities to save costs?
    With a wireless port the machines can still be hacked. They can have a program installed that will turn on the connection with certain actions. Like as soon as one vote is made. That means when the test votes are done during set up. Or whatever programmers decide.

    Paper ballots only.
    We have paper ballots but machines count them.
    As far as I’m concerned that’s still too much hackable capability.

  4. Jason
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 AT 7:56 AM
    “If this holds the Republicans will definitely take back the House and Senate.”

    sure *giggle*.
    absolutely right *chuckle*
    I’m on the case *snort*
    carry on, honest and *snicker* fair elections with out a *snerk* smidgeon of corruption right ahe…

    (Strangling noises from trying to keep the laughter in)


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