Governors Immediately Push Back On ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Plan: ‘Will Fight Them To The Gates Of Hell’ – IOTW Report

Governors Immediately Push Back On ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Plan: ‘Will Fight Them To The Gates Of Hell’

Daily Wire: Numerous governors have issued statements following Democrat President Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday signaling that they will strongly oppose his attempts to mandate vaccines.

The pushback from governors comes after the administration said on Thursday that The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will force all employers with 100 or more employees “to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work.”

Immediate reaction from governors:

22 Comments on Governors Immediately Push Back On ‘Unconstitutional’ Biden Plan: ‘Will Fight Them To The Gates Of Hell’

  1. My RINO turd governor Larry Hogan is probably in favor of this. He has been relentless in pushing the vaccine that evidently doesn’t work. These pos politicians are getting kickbacks or something from big pharma.

  2. Utah governor, “Karen” Cox, who has said Utahns are free to chose to not be vaccinated but will have to face the consequences, was likely hoping for a blanket federal mandate with which he could eagerly comply — with weak protestations.

  3. If Larry Elder wins in California I wonder if WA Gov. Inslee will follow along and do the same thing (only a few days later) like he’s done with Gavin Newsome?

    There may be hope for us yet!

    Nah…just kidding. We’re screwed.

  4. “Definition of terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.

    Vaccine mandates are institutionalized terrorism. The media funded by pharmaceutical corporations push fear and propaganda to push the governments political agenda, demanding people inject something into their body or lose basic human rights.

    This is textbook definitional terrorism.”

  5. If they’re declaring “a fight to the Gates of Hell” then I’m pretty sure they’re getting ready to capitulate.
    If you’re gonna fight, you don’t advertise – you strike.

    Tough talk usually comes from weak people (not always).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Not only is this to distract from Afghanistan, the AZ audit report is coming out and just the canvassing proved Biden lost.
    They know this dictate will not stand up in court.

  7. Huh. These could be Original Jurisdiction cases. They could come straight to ME!

    Let me practice…

    (Gets out rubber stamp and multiple pieces of paper, fans out papers on desk, then…)
    *choonk* NO STANDING* choonk *NO STANDING *choonk* NO STANDING * choonk* NO STANDING *choonk* NO STANDING.


    Tell Mr. Soros I’m ready…

  8. The Biden pedophile running on batteries like the comical energizer bunny which stupidly bangs on its drum before someone turns it off and stuffs it with drugs intended for brain melt. Fact is Brian Dead-Beat was ordered by his global manipulators to drown out the sound of the coming court-ordered display of high-profile lowlifes who engaged in the Epstein-Maxwell child rape and trafficking. No doubt Biden is one of the sewage creeps with his name on that sign-in list.

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