LA sheriff on Larry Elder’s gorilla mask assailant: ‘How is this not a hate crime?’ – IOTW Report

LA sheriff on Larry Elder’s gorilla mask assailant: ‘How is this not a hate crime?’

WaEx: The gorilla mask-wearing woman who threw an egg at California recall candidate Larry Elder and slapped his security guard should be charged with a hate crime, said Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

The unidentified woman was seen in a viral video riding a bicycle next to Elder and his guards after a campaign event in Venice Beach. She threw an egg that narrowly missed Elder’s head, and then she slapped a security guard.

“QUESTION: How is this not a hate crime?” Villanueva tweeted Thursday.

“ANSWER: Because ‘woke privilege’ means a white woman can wear a gorilla mask and attack a black man without fear of being called a racist. Where is the outrage from our politicians? #Hypocrisy #WokePrivilege @LarryElder @GavinNewsom.” more

12 Comments on LA sheriff on Larry Elder’s gorilla mask assailant: ‘How is this not a hate crime?’

  1. Villanueva’s statement is patently ridiculous. The skin colors of the criminal and the victim do not by itself constitute a hate crime. The progs would like to think so, they are the identity politics worshippers but rational people need more. If he can dig up so public statements she made, some SM posts that can identify racial animus, then maybe, but as a general rule, the entire concept of “hate crimes” is just stupid.

    Instead of pontificating on social media about what should happen, he is the head LE officer of his county, he has the evidence on tape that two separate crimes were committed by this woman, go and arrest her for those. Do something, don’t just virtue signal.

  2. I am impressed by Villanueva. I believe he was the first in L.A. history to dethrone a sheriff running for reelection. Keep in mind these are L.A. County voters. And he has done a pretty good job of enforcing laws appropriately. Board of Supervisors stripped him of emergency authority just so they could impose covid mandates, but he won’t allow his officers to enforce their arbitrary edicts, specifically because the Board never cites scientific reasoning. He isn’t perfect – and the ideal sheriff wouldn’t have won the election – but I particularly appreciate his calling out of a leftist criminal in this tweet.

  3. Larry Elder on President Clinton: Yessuh, yessuh, massa Republican suh, yessuh, yessuh, yessuh. You wants me to yells bad about de President Clinton, Ah’ll yells bad about de President Clinton, massa Republican sub. Larry Elder on the Iraq war: You wants me to promote dis heah war massa Republican, Ah’ll promote dis heah war. Yessuh, yessuh, body bags full suh. This September, help the man who is saving lives in California and Stop! The! Recall!

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