Afghans reportedly selling their children to survive crippled economy – IOTW Report

Afghans reportedly selling their children to survive crippled economy

Post Millennial: As the rush to sell all their belongings for a small sum of cash during their frantic evacuation from Afghanistan has faded, many of those remaining in the country have had to resort to dire actions, selling much of their remaining belongings, and even their children, to survive in the now crippled economy of Afghanistan.

One father was discovered at a now sprawling Kabul bazaar selling his four-year-old daughter to help feed his remaining family.

“I would prefer to die than be reduced to selling my daughter,” Mir Nazir, 38, told Anthony Loyd of The Times.

“But my own death wouldn’t save anyone in my family. Who would feed my other children? This isn’t about choice. It’s about desperation,” he added.

A pawnbroker was offering around £170, or $200 for the young girl, but Nazir said he was holding out to sell his daughter to a shop owner for around £420, or about $500. more

12 Comments on Afghans reportedly selling their children to survive crippled economy

  1. Tim
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 AT 11:57 AM
    “Who dafuq would want one?

    izlamo delenda est …”

    Child rapist.

    Like every Muslim ever because that’s what their pedo “prophet” did.

    Also the fraudulent “president” Pedo Biden.

    Some pedos get off with lifelong torment, like Joe did, and does, raping his grandchildren, but others consider child victims to be disposable and do not want to raise them further, instead electing to murder them, often during the rape as an added “thrill”. So many children would be needed to supply that market, as well as replacements for disciplinary murders and suicides…

    …I would not worry about that market collapsing. Not as long as slavery and pedophilia are kept alive by Democrats and Islam…

  2. This was inevitable, even without the completely clustered up withdrawal. We had to leave, we should have left long ago, and our so called “allies” the elites want to setting in the heartland would not fight for their own country.

    The “War on Terror” very quickly morphed into a “War to Save the Image of islam” (from the reality of islam). Well, this IS the reality, and if wealthy islamic countries don’t bother to help neither should we or anybody else.

  3. Kcir (embarrassed to be from Toronto)
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 AT 1:13 PM
    “Joe’s gettin a horny right now.

    Lucky he doesn’t remember what to do with it.”

    Were you not paying attention yesterday?

    He jammed in in an entire, unwilling COUNTRY.

    …believe me, rapist never forget how to rape…

    …they just need to constantly seek bigger and better thrills…

  4. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,
    I kinda figured on perverts. I was thinking of normal humans.

    “How much for the little girls?”
    (John Belushi in some movie – I think he was being funny – not so funny anymore)

    izlamo delenda est …


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