Targeting the Unvaccinated to Cover Biden’s Failings – IOTW Report

Targeting the Unvaccinated to Cover Biden’s Failings

Patriot Retort: Did you see any of the clips from Herr Biden’s demagogic speech targeting the unvaccinated yesterday?

I myself couldn’t bear to watch the whole thing. In that respect, I think I’m a lot like many of the White House staffers who put him on mute when he’s talking out of fear that he’s going to ram his foot into his mouth so far, he gets athlete’s tongue.

Though for me, it’s because I get that same mixture of disgust and pity one feels when one sees an elderly man who just wet his pants and is weeping in shame.

But I did see enough of it to know that Biden’s handlers decided the best way to get people to stop focusing on what a terrible job he’s doing as president is to pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, all the while painting the unvaccinated as the dirty, good-for-nothing wastes of skin everyone should direct their anger toward. more

32 Comments on Targeting the Unvaccinated to Cover Biden’s Failings

  1. He’s just a doddering old man that was pushed on us by Soros the Deep State and Dr. Jill , and then on election night when he came up short they had to steal the election.

  2. ‘Our patience is wearing thin’… substitute my for our and I knew the phrase all too well… it meant a fist or an elbow or a foot was shortly to arrive. The involuntary specificity of my response all these years later surprised me. The revulsion and anger washed over me. If ever I might have been persuaded to take the shot that finished it forever. Come at me bro, I ain’t reasonable anymore.

  3. “cases” are positive PCR tests which are shit tests and they produce so many false positives the test is going to be thrown out… but not until the end of the year.

    I’ll enter a wet T-shirt contest if I’m wrong

  4. 80 million people are about to get fired so one guy can perpetuate the lie that got him his.

    If that’s not a black joke about the death of the American dream, I don’t know what is.

  5. Did that wrong.

    No edit.

    Should be:

    80 million people are about lose their jobs so one guy can perpetuate the lie that got him his.

    If that’s not a black joke about the death of the American dream, I don’t know what is.

  6. What liberals are doing is making a “Stalking horse”, in military talk.
    A feint.

    The plan, seemingly well co-ordinated with the MSM – is to get us to not talk bout our WOKE GENERALS and the disastrous defeat America suffered last month!

    Our Generals are ready, willing and able to fight and kill Americans; not able to fight the enemy of Americans! Clearly not able to fight Americans’s enemies!

    an olde tactic, effective over 70 years ago SMOKE SCREEN. MSM is going all out to hide WOKE GENERALS by obfuscation!

    I fear they may win. Even FoX has stopped talking about WOKE GENERALS!

    The entire Press is pretending our defeat either never happened; or it was no big deal! Fox has 40 “news” articles on their front page. Only 1 deals withe the embarrassment our WOKE GENERLAS. It was by President Don! Natch!

  7. We’ve been watching this unfold for a long time now; the “marking” of conservative/patriotic Americans, the “New Jim Crow” implemented upon anyone associated with Trump, the dehumanization and canceling of anyone not in lock-step with Leftist Orthodoxy, all with the consent of elected officials.

    I watched Biden yesterday. It’s breathtaking that an American president (*) said these things. I have said for a while now…”they are engineering the next holocaust.” Yesterday confirmed it.

    For those who think I’m being dramatic, who think “oh, that could never happen here;” what is the source of your confidence?

  8. Somewhere I saw that the vaccine that received approval, is not the vaccine their are giving.

    Is there anything on this list that you want in your body?
    Ingredients: 30 mcg of a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2, lipids (0.43 mg (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 0.05 mg 2[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 0.09 mg 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and 0.2 mg cholesterol), 0.01 mg potassium chloride, 0.01 mg monobasic potassium phosphate, 0.36 mg sodium chloride, 0.07 mg dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and 6 mg sucrose.
    The diluent (0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP) contributes an additional 2.16 mg sodium chloride per dose.

  9. Calm down.. they floated a balloon out there. Went down faster than the Hindenburg at Lakehurst,NJ.

    ‘Former FDA head Gottlieb, the process to issue the rules and guidelines and the ensuing challenges in court means the mandate is “probably something for the fall of 2022 work season”‘

  10. It not only covers his failings, it ‘ups the ante’ on what will come next in this scripted takeover of the United States.

    There isn’t a lot of time to prepare for what’s coming.

  11. Cmn¢¢guy, they’re keeping the EUA in effect so they can still jab with impunity and keep their immunity(too bad their jabs give none) from lawsuits. The way I heard it was that people who get jabbed with the old name stuff still cannot sue if harmed because that stuff falls under the EUA protection, whereas Cominternaty jabs, even though chemically the same as Classic Jab, remove the legal protections from Big Pharma due to full FDA approval.

    People should look at the label on their bottle. If it doesn’t say Cominternaty, they have no legal recourse if it makes them sick or dead, because it’s an EUA jab. And chances are, they’ll be getting the Classic Jab because of that.

    At least that’s how I heard the Big Pharma legal dodge explained to me.

  12. @Anonymous Too…

    Scott Gottlieb, Resident Fellow at American Enterprise Institute and Pfizer Board member, says the mandate is “probably something for the fall of 2022 work season”‘?

    I don’t know what a “work season” is, other than for cucumber pickers and such, but I do know what a “campaign season” is. Is that the best time to jam the jab through? Weird.

  13. DO NOT have pity for leftists or corrupt politicians when they lose their mind. Instead rejoice in the truth of God’s justice that their mind’s have been destroyed by their own evil thoughts and actions.

  14. Here’s the deal…Joe, and before you do any further damage to Our Country,

    Number one: The American people are going get you the HELL out of office.

    Number two: The American people are going get you the HELL out of office!

    Number three: The American people are going get you the HELL out of office!!

    Number four…

    Number five…………..”I can’t think beyond Number three”

  15. The Biden cretin is obviously unstable and should be removed from office immediately along with the Harris lowlife and company. Add that his multiple failings include much background noise to cover up the recent court order for all Epstein-Maxwell pedophile child trafficking child molesting high-profile participants to be named and exposed plus the increasing evidence of vote fraud and adulterating.

  16. Cmn¢¢guy;
    I won’t eat things with unpronounceable ingredients; why the hell should I allow a bunch of them to be injected into my body?
    Because the phony of the century said so?
    Fuck joe and his sow of a wife.

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