California Medical Ethics Expert Sues University Over Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

California Medical Ethics Expert Sues University Over Vaccine Mandate

Jonathan Turley-

We recently discussed the lawsuit filed by a George Mason University professor who refused to get the Covid vaccine upon the recommendation of his doctors and due to his natural antibodies after recovering from the virus. GMU later relented and gave him an exception. However, now a University of California professor has sued on the same ground. Aaron Kheriaty, professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California at Irvine, is the latest effort to force review of the issue of natural antibodies as a protection from Covid.

Kheriaty is suing the Board of Regents and the University president due to his antibodies from a case of Covid-19 in July 2020. He told SBG“[i]f my immunity is as good, indeed, very likely better, than that conferred by the vaccine, there doesn’t seem to be any rational basis for discriminating against my form of immunity and requiring me to get a different form of immunity.”

What is most interesting about the case is that Kheriaty serves as director of UCI’s Medical Ethics Program and is a member of the UC Office of the President Critical Care Bioethics Working Group. Kheriaty has complained that it is now verboten to even raise natural antibodies despite studies showing that they may be even more effective than vaccines.  A study (often cited by the CDC) suggests the opposite. more

4 Comments on California Medical Ethics Expert Sues University Over Vaccine Mandate

  1. The just announced MANDATE by Slow Joe The Pedo was made EXACTLY for reasons such as this one. If the Government MANDATES it then employers can use THAT as an excuse to hide behind when they do the commies dirty work of forcing the jab on everyone. If anyone threatens to sue they just bleat “Not our idea, it’s required by the government”. It’s just MORE FACISM…..where the Government hides behind Big Business and forces business to do it’s dirty work.

  2. Big Pharma controls the narrative on Natural Immunity just like they control the CDC and our present government administration. Like they always say: “Follow the money”.


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