Dems divert $200 million taxpayer dollars to park near Pelosi’s home – IOTW Report

Dems divert $200 million taxpayer dollars to park near Pelosi’s home


Republicans in Congress simply refuse to learn the rules of the game: If you want to get something done, behave as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) does. Against the old axiom, there is actually a union among thieves in the Democratic party, and San Fran Nan is the head of the snake.

Pelosi just procured $200 million to improve a park near her home as part of a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill currently being debated on Capitol Hill. One sycophantic Democrat representative claimed – laughably – that the house speaker deserves it.

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) defended the allocation for the Presidio, the 1,500-acre park and golf course near the Golden Gate Bridge, claiming Pelosi deserves the money for her hometown because of the hard work she undertakes as speaker, The Washington Times reported.

17 Comments on Dems divert $200 million taxpayer dollars to park near Pelosi’s home

  1. Lecherous old leather skinned hag gives Cruella De Ville a run for her being a cantankerous old heathen sea hag. A pox on her house. May all her teeth fall out but one and may that one be impacted and infected.

  2. @Dry gulched

    Imagine how you would feel if it was 25 years from now and one of her kids was doing it to the taxpayer all over again.

    THAT is what Turdeau/Fidel Junior is now doing to Canuckistan. The kids are much worse & Immoral than the parents.

  3. Modern politics is the Art of the Steal.
    The corruption is rampant and undisguised.

    We tolerate it in the hope that some of the crumbs fall to us.

    Our town just got a $Million and a half, or so, and the town council is scrambling to find ways to commit it to waste it before the deadline.

    And these are ALL Republicans.

    izlamo delenda est …


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