China Declares War on SIMPS – IOTW Report

China Declares War on SIMPS

Summit News:

Western masculinity continues to be subverted by degeneracy, demoralization, porn and the total collapse of self-respect.

But the globe’s primary competitive superpower is taking a completely different approach.

China has declared war on simps.

11 Comments on China Declares War on SIMPS

  1. As much as I despise the Chinese government, slightly more than I despise my own, I can’t disagree. I see lisping sissies every day and wonder who raised this lot of fainting couch fairies?

  2. I never thought I would agree with the ChiCom gubmint. Though I do despise the way they track and censor their own (hmm, sounds familiar, can’t quite put my finger on it).
    I do have friends in China that I do chat with, but I have to be careful what I say when I do.

  3. I see the education system and clueless parents as blamed, what about the entire culture writ large? When you have every commercial celebrating women as the more sensible clever sex where men are big boobs in constant need of supervision, where men are beat down to the point that they no longer want to date or get married, where colleges now enroll 65% women over men and graduate almost twice as many women to men, when the entire culture is gynocentric and celebrates women in every endeavor it is no surprise that men are turning into simps, or exhibit simpish behavior because they no longer want to participate.

    If you don’t think this is extremely detrimental to our future as a species, think again. Ever falling sperm counts, declining population numbers, more and more men turning into bitter incels who want nothing to do with women because the downside is just too great. We are in trouble.

  4. Hilarious coming from a bunch of (adult) chicoms whose comical boy-men are underdeveloped with bodies of 10 year old boys. The girl-women (if they’re not killed at birth by parents) are shapeless hermaphrodite broomsticks sporting laughable cankles.

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