Democrat Strategist Has an Ominous Warning for His Party in 2022 – IOTW Report

Democrat Strategist Has an Ominous Warning for His Party in 2022


Biden’s tanking poll numbers nationally and in key swing states spell big trouble for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, says Democrat strategist Douglas Schoen. He says they could endure a “blowout defeat.”

“President Biden is in a significantly weaker position now than both of his most recent Democratic predecessors — Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — at this point in their presidencies,” Schoen notes in an op-ed in The Hill. “Which suggests that Democrats could suffer even more substantial losses in 2022 than the party did in 1994 and 2010.”

Schoen served as an adviser to President Clinton and advised Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 presidential campaign.

“Indeed, voters nationally and in seven key swing-states disapprove, rather than approve, of the job President Biden is doing by a margin of 7-points or greater, according to a Civiqs survey released last week,” he continued. “Nationally, one-half [50 percent of voters disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while just 42 percent approve.”

Schoen noted that Obama’s net approval rating was 19 points higher than Biden’s right now, and yet in the 2010 midterms, Democrats lost a net of 64 seats in the House, and Republicans gained six seats in the Senate. In 1994, Democrats lost a net of 52 seats in the House, and Republicans gained eight seats in the Senate. read more

20 Comments on Democrat Strategist Has an Ominous Warning for His Party in 2022

  1. How many times have we heard the Dims in the past and the talking liberal heads say “this is the end of the Republican Party,” “Republicans will never hold the Congress or Senate for years and years to come,” the Republicans will never see a Republican president for years to come.” Yet, the conservatives always come back and gets into power again. It’s like a big pendulum swinging back and forth. I’m confident that the Republicans will take back both houses and the residency in 2024. If it isn’t Trump running, it will be someone just as strong if not stronger. I’m still holding to my prediction that Fauci will be gone by the end of the year. He’s tying up loose ends right now. Maybe he left a bullet in the chamber.

  2. Remember how the Dems and their media just couldn’t shut their yaps about the “Blue Wave” in 2018? And all the serious historical analysis about the party in the Presidency getting creamed in the midterms? That’s all we heard about for months, at least when they weren’t talking about Trump/Russia collusion.

    Where is all the “Red Wave” talk? Shouldn’t we be getting wall-to-wall coverage of the inevitable GOP midterm triumph? At least they could throw out some discouraging stories about why it won’t happen this time. But I guess they don’t want to mention the midterms at all right now. Maybe because the only thing they have going for them is massive vote fraud, and everybody knows it. Best leave that unsaid.

    I guess we’ll have to wait and see how the GOPe will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this time.

  3. GMAFB
    To think that ANY legitimacy is left in the Parties, our legislatures, the courts, or ANY elected official in our good old USA is DELUSIONAL.

    A Press that proudly broadcasts their singular viewpoint that has zero credibility and insults anyone’s intelligence reeks worse than a bloated raccoon corpse, out in the hot sun.

  4. Look at it this way…democRATz have already won!
    Republicans attempting to vote in CA today are being told they already voted!
    They’ve got the cheating down so well it can be done ahead of time… and they don’t even need a Mr Fusion to go back to the future! They only have to plug in the names of the candidates when the time comes!

  5. Yep. Already reports of voters showing up at polling places being told they already voted. Poor Doug Schoen needs a new calculator. No matter what you enter into it the result is the same.


  6. Please nigga. Any talk of a dem defeat at the polls simply ignores the greatest fraud in our nation’s history. This is my litmus test, if a sitting pol or one attempting to get elected refuses to talk about this fraud, fuck them, not buying.

    The district I live in is heavily fraud laden. Clallam County is one of the bellweather counties that historically have always voted for the winning presidential candidate(Trump won) and in fact was the ONLY one of 19 that didn’t in 2020 go for Trump.

    I’ve been making inquires here about voter rolls and a possible audit, oh man, talking about poking a hornet’s nest.

    Anyway, I’ve been sending cash to Joe Kent in D-3 who is running to unseat an R who voted to impeach Trump but damn, even this guy has got to be coy about 2020. I get boilerplate back from his campaign.

    Can’t fucking win

  7. @Ed357

    Because they don’t dare call themselves ‘Red’. This whole media construct of Red State/Blue State is another case of purposeful manipulation of the language. And leftists have complete media dominance.

  8. @ MMinWA SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 AT 11:39 AM

    I was in Eburg for Kittitas County Fair over Labor Day weekend and attended the parade as well. Conspicuous in it’s absence was the Kittitas County Democrat booth at the fair and they were nowhere to be seen in the parade on Saturday. They normally have a large presence at both.


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