Kroger CFO Notes More and Faster Food Inflation Coming in Next Several Months – IOTW Report

Kroger CFO Notes More and Faster Food Inflation Coming in Next Several Months


This is not a surprise data-point for readers here.  However, it is good to see honest statements from corporate executives on what to expect with food inflation.

As noted by Kroger Chief Financial Officer Gary Millerchip in a call with financial media, we can expect to see even more rapid inflation in food prices overall in the next several months:

MSM – Cincinnati-based Kroger Co., which had $132 billion in sales last year, says inflation is running hotter than management previously anticipated and that expectations are now for prices to rise 2% to 3% over the second half of this year.

Kroger is “passing along higher cost to the customer where it makes sense to do so,” said CFO Gary Millerchip on the company’s second-quarter earnings call on Friday. (read more)

The reason for more inflation is not too difficult to understand.  Fresh foods show fast price increases immediately because they have almost no pre-existing inventory.  Fresh foods go from field to fork the fastest, and price increases show up immediately.  The same applies to restaurants. more

12 Comments on Kroger CFO Notes More and Faster Food Inflation Coming in Next Several Months

  1. I usually buy specific tortillas.
    They came in 12 packs. Now they are 8 packs.
    Used to get Gatorade 32oz at 88 cents. Now 1.25
    Now you have to use those damn digital coupons just to buy things at what used to be the everyday price.

    I imagine fast food places are really gonna be fucked.
    They have to pay more for their goods PLUS more to keep any employees.

    *81 million voted for higher prices no doubt…

  2. But hey, no more mean tweets, amirite?


  3. Case in point: I buy a product called D’Vita Cappucino, comes in a can. I buy it at store called Winco for $2.95 a can. At another store I shop at it’s $6.95 a can. There’s a $4 difference in price. Free market at work. I try to buy on the cheap – and I buy several of the good deal.

  4. @Loco: *81 million voted for higher prices no doubt”

    And 81 million Dims got the jab and over 1/2 of them wish they hadn’t. Trump talked them into it with his Operation Warp Speed. I know several liberals here who couldn’t wait to get down to Walgreen’s to get their jab. One of them has bladder cancer (Stage 4), the other one has neck cancer (State 4), another one was hospitalized with sepsis, and another one heart problems. Nieces fiance dropped dead the morning of their wedding day with a heart attack – he got the jab and his 24-yo coworker dropped dead with a heart attack as well – 2 weeks after they got the jab, both were firefighters.

  5. I went out this morning to buy whole corn for the deer.
    AIN’T ANY!
    Had to get cracked corn (and he said that when they’re gone, they’re gone).
    The guy said that Biden had already sold over 1/3 of the NOT YET HARVESTED corn crop to China! He said the deer will probably starve come winter.
    $9.50 a bag (50 lbs). Was $7 when I moved here (for the math challenged, that’s a 35.7% increase).
    Criminal. Treason most foul. And we’re letting him get away with it. Sad.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Personally I don’t put any stock in whatever big phood companies squawk especially since the majority of them have been in long-time league with big investors, big science, big medical, big ag, big pharma, and big govt not to mention that Big Phood has often used food against the people in a number of ways. I buy online where the food is inexpensive and of good quality with very little shipping costs. (NOT amazon or ebay chicom garbage).

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