Georgia US Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Has Massive Lead In GOP Primary – IOTW Report

Georgia US Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Has Massive Lead In GOP Primary

Trump-backed US Senate Candidate Herschel Walker has a massive lead in the GOP Primary.
But Bitch McConnell is pushing RINOs.

11 Comments on Georgia US Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Has Massive Lead In GOP Primary

  1. I saw Hw=erschel Walker in a friendly interview by Maria Baritomo and let me say he is NOT ready – at all.
    He could not answer the simple question “Why are you running?” very well. Pretty shallow, to be honest.
    When I compare his responses to an interview I saw with Larry Elder right after it was NIGHT and DAY.
    Elder had very focused responses on why he is a superior choice of Gavin Newsom.
    Herschel was platitudes, and weak ones at that.
    Hershel needs some good coaching.

  2. @Mr. Anth Ropy — I didn’t see the interview, but I certainly take your word for it. Any idea who’s pulling Walker’s strings? I don’t care much for puppets, but if the puppeteer’s the right sort I’ll only grumble quietly to myself.

  3. Mitch McCONnell did a bang up job on the last Georgia Senate race, if the GOP candidates aren’t liberal enough he’ll bury them in the general election by supporting the democrat.

    McCONnell’s principles are closer to Chuck Schumer than conservatives.

  4. I follow Herschel on Twitter and he seems fairly knowledgeable about various issues, and I find myself in agreement with him on everything so far. Elder is polished – he has spent decades on talk radio talking politics and really has his wits about him. To be a governor that is very important; to be a senator the voting decisions are the most important and management skills not so critical.

  5. I betting Herschel has more common sense in his pinky finger than all the Washington RINO’s put together. After spending 5 weeks in Georgia this summer, I can understand why Georgians love him. I’m honestly thinking of moving there.


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