New York City Teacher’s Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

New York City Teacher’s Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

It doesn’t sound like much of a ‘win’ if only certain people have rights and others don’t.

Epoch Times: New York City’s largest teacher’s union has won a battle to keep teachers and other educators employed if they suffer from certain medical conditions and don’t want to comply as a result with the Big Apple’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

An arbitrator ruled late Friday that teachers with certain documented medical afflictions must be offered assignments outside of classrooms and be kept on the city’s payroll.

Other educators who don’t want a COVID-19 vaccine must be offered unpaid leave that keeps in place their health coverage or a severance package.

City officials announced last month that all 148,000 Department of Education employees would have to get a COVID-19 vaccine, with limited exemptions.

The city planned to remove people who were granted an exemption from the payroll, infuriating the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), the city’s largest teacher’s union. more

9 Comments on New York City Teacher’s Union Wins Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

  1. The teachers union LOST THE BATTLE. They agreed to an arbitrators ruling that requires a clergy member to write a letter for the exemption seeker. That is a direct and blatant violation of existing rulings from prior court cases. The language in those prior decisions specifically state an endorsement from a clergy member IS NOT REQUIRED. Also, regardless if some or any religious officials of the same faith have a different opinion than the exemption seeker, it does not matter, it is the religious belief and faith of the applicant as they believe, hold, and understand their own faith.

    The medical exemptions are so limited, strict, and cumbersome to document and even in the cases where the applicant is in fact eligible, most doctors are so terrified to write a letter a miniscule number of teachers will get them. This is a joke and a loss. I despise teachers but in the big picture this is a terrible result for everyone.

  2. does ANY one care about NY teacher’s union? What is more despicable, maybe the Chicongo union. The Lytton BC story is much more interesting. Entire town burned, “erased” they said.

  3. The fact of this matter is that the majority of teachers unions and orgs are funded by the schemer and profiteer george soros and must follow his orders and demands since he’s paying out big coin to keep them afloat. The UFT heads have come to the decision that if vaxx mandates were imposed against teachers then multitudes of educators will retire and cash in on their pensions en masse just as the NYPD has in response to that bogus ‘defund’ thing demanded by corrupt NY pols—amounting to billions of dollars which the UFT can’t afford to pay out at once and on a massive scale. Everything about their ‘win’ is self-serving and has zero to do with any American’s freedoms and liberties. Truth be told UFT are NOT the ‘good guys’ as UFT President Michael Mulgrew is as corrupt as the day is long, just as his predecessor Randi Weingarten has been for some years and passed that polluted torch to Mulgrew.

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