Lawsuit in Portland highlights treatment for violent Antifa members who caused death and destruction – IOTW Report

Lawsuit in Portland highlights treatment for violent Antifa members who caused death and destruction


The estate of a man who was shot and killed last year in Portland, Oregon is suing the city over how it approached public safety. 

According to the lawsuit, the mayor, Ted Wheeler, along with the District Attorney, the Police Commissioner and other city officials “created a vacuum where peacekeeping efforts and criminal accountability should be; in its place, an environment of vigilantism emerged that ultimately led to the death of Aaron Danielson.”

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Portland and obtained by the Epoch Times. 

“Danielson was killed in Portland on Aug. 29, 2020. Michael Reinoehl, a self-described member of the far-left, anarcho-communist Antifa network, later admitted to shooting Danielson, who was wearing a hat bearing the logo of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group, and has been described as a Patriot Prayer supporter,” according to the outlet.  read more

9 Comments on Lawsuit in Portland highlights treatment for violent Antifa members who caused death and destruction

  1. The trouble with people suing government is that the taxpayer pays for the malfeasance of the elected/appointed. I suppose the only way to ensure that the guilty are punished is to drag them out and hang them.

  2. Meh. They’ll all have some version of Officers(as in Corporate Officer) and Executives Insurance paid for by the City for personal liability, so they will probably settle out of court AT BEST for both personal and professional, not be harmed AT ALL, the City taxpayers – NONE of which are Antifa or BLM – get the bill, no lessons are learned, and nothing changes unless it gets worse.

    IF they can find a court that isn’t so liberal it will not only HEAR it, but actually have – and this is VERY unlikely – a FAIR trial.

    More likely someone will not have standing, evidence will be supressed or outright destroyed, discovery will be limited, and anything of substance that accidentally gets heard will be buried by the DNC media. This is a nice effort, but will change nothing as the courts have been corrupted by Democrats as well.

    Give the devil his due, the Communists have been setting this up for 60 years and they’ve been rather thorough about subverting every important institution.

    Nothing will change until folks like Mr. Mayor become lamppost mounted Halloween decorations. Until then, this is just a way for lawyers to get all the money from conservatives and put off what has to be done with the illusion of “process”, for no gain whatsoever.

  3. A successful marxist state starts with #mail in voting
    Oregon is such a state!

    Why is it Patriot Prayer is ALWAYS FRISKED by Portland Police for weapons and Antifa is not???

  4. I’m seeing some “the taxpayer is actually paying for any settlement” sentiment in this feed, and normally I’d go along with that. Last I heard, the people that run Portland didn’t win by close margins, which to my mind puts the blame right on the voters (although as I think about that, the leftie voters might NOT also be the taxpayers), so it’s (past) time for the ‘taxpayers’ to change the regime that’s allowing these kind of situations to proliferate.

  5. TommyBoy in IN
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 AT 9:31 AM
    “I’m seeing some “the taxpayer is actually paying for any settlement” sentiment in this feed, and normally I’d go along with that. Last I heard, the people that run Portland didn’t win by close margins, which to my mind puts the blame right on the voters”

    …yesh, “The Voters” *giggle*

    Lets go with that *snerk*

  6. If you are in enemy territory, expect to take hits, stay in groups. Better yet, unless you have to work there, just stay out of there.
    Also flying an American flag or such in enemy territory makes you a prime target, blend in like they try by wearing Trump gear in our territory. Be smart not just brave.


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