Trump calls Stormy Daniels claims a ‘chapter of Fake News’ as FEC drops case – IOTW Report

Trump calls Stormy Daniels claims a ‘chapter of Fake News’ as FEC drops case

NYP: Former President Donald Trump on Friday praised the Federal Election Commission for dropping a complaint alleging that he broke the law with a hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, accepted $130,000 just before the 2016 election after she alleged a 2006 tryst with Trump. The deal was brokered by then-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

“I thank the Commission for their decision, ending this chapter of Fake News,” Trump said in an emailed statement.

“The Federal Election Commission in Washington, D.C., has totally dropped the phony case against me concerning payments to women relative to the 2016 Presidential Election,” Trump said.

“It was a case built on lies from Michael Cohen, a corrupt and convicted lawyer, a lawyer in fact who was so corrupt he was sentenced to three years in jail for lying to Congress and many other things having nothing to do with me.”

Trump added: “Between two sleazebag lawyers, Michael Avenatti and Michael Cohen, we were all able to witness law and justice in our Country at its lowest!” more

Bonus: America’s high-tech tyranny is far more sophisticated than Putin’s crude autocracy.

13 Comments on Trump calls Stormy Daniels claims a ‘chapter of Fake News’ as FEC drops case

  1. Although all of this could have been avoided if he had taken his marriage vows a bit more seriously I am somewhat amused (and impressed)by the fact he was banging a porn star and she ultimately had to pay him for the privilege.

  2. You can be married to the most attractive woman in the world, and there will still be times when you get tired of her shit, it’s human nature. And horn dogs being horn dogs, I don’t think there is one chance out of thousand that he didn’t bang her, along with the ex playboy model, Karen McDougal.

    That’s why Ivana 86’ed him, he was banging Marla Maples while still married to her.

  3. Does anyone really believe Trump did NOT tap that? She described his odd shaped dick in her book, and certain other physical features which she would not be privy to unless she saw him buck naked.

  4. As a woman, I don’t care what words he used, who he grabbed, screwed or whatever in his personal life, I care that he gave our economy hope and now that’s dashed because of trash Democrat politicians.
    Fuck liberal whiny women.

  5. For what its worth, I still think Marla Maples was the best based solely on looks and cans.

    However, The First Lady really was Elegant and Carried her duties very well considering she never got fair treatment.


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