After Hours: Over-counting Covid-19 Deaths – IOTW Report

After Hours: Over-counting Covid-19 Deaths

Sharyl Attkisson: My investigation digs into claims of obvious non-Covid deaths being added to the Covid death tally. How prevalent is the miscount? And who’s responsible?

16 Comments on After Hours: Over-counting Covid-19 Deaths

  1. I also trust nobody in a position to benefit from the situation, whether financially or through controls.
    And I continue to be amazed at my sheep friends, who think that every person is the same when it comes to the jab, regardless of age, health, or any other difference. And that it is necessary for others to get it for you to be ‘safe’. And who ignore all of the other turmoil, business loss, suicide, etc., etc., etc.

  2. I think they are under reporting.

    Covid wiped out 1 of my 5 Tomato Plants. That’s 20%!

    There has to be a Canuckistan government program in place to help 2nd generation Italian immigrants sauce their spaghetti.
    The carnage was horrific…

  3. I want to put a plug in for Sharyl Attkisson’s podcasts.
    – You can listen to ANY of them and come out smarter.
    – She is one of the most thorough and honest journalists.

  4. We know it’s all bullshit. Fauci is the stooge who’s been creating this shit in Chinese labs for who knew what? Now we know ‘what’.

    Covid19 was the second coup in American history (JKF’s assassination was the first).


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