Fauci reconsideration of natural immunity used against Michigan State COVID vaccine mandate – IOTW Report

Fauci reconsideration of natural immunity used against Michigan State COVID vaccine mandate

Just The News: In her ongoing legal challenge to Michigan State University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the basis of natural immunity, employee Jeanna Norris is counting on Anthony Fauci to make her case.

President Biden’s chief medical advisor, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, makes an appearance in her Sept. 15 filing for Fauci’s difficulty explaining why recovered individuals such as Norris need vaccines.

Appearing on CNN Sept. 9, Fauci admitted he had no “firm answer” to chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta’s question about how he’d convince naturally immune people to get vaccinated. 

Gupta cited a recent Israeli study, not yet peer-reviewed, that found natural immunity provided longer and better protection against the Delta variant of COVID compared to the two-dose BioNTech vaccine used in Israel. Fauci claimed the paper didn’t answer “what’s the durability [of recovery] compared to the durability of a vaccine?” MORE HERE

24 Comments on Fauci reconsideration of natural immunity used against Michigan State COVID vaccine mandate

  1. Always behind the curve. We all know now that no coof shot is better than the coof shot (regardless of immunity) because the benefit does not outweigh the risk. Especially for people under 40, and likely up to 65. Certainly no one under 30 should even consider the shot, they are better off huffing Cosby Spray (ether).

  2. The corp. I have worked for for over 24 years has announced mandatory jabs in order to enter a building starting Nov 1. I must enter a building occasionally in order to perform tests on products we manufacture. I don’t know where this is going, but I do know I’m not getting the jab.

  3. Fauci Doesn’t KNOW how long natural immunity lasts.
    I’ve been WATCHING this little turd. He should be COMFORTABLE with not knowing something. He doesn’t seem to Know anything.

  4. In 2017 Fauci predicted COVID. Probably because he financed it. At the time he said the best way to avoid it is to lose weight and get in shape. That masks would be totally in effective. I’m just wondering how long the highest paid public servant would actually last in the private sector. I’m guessing you could measure that in days.

  5. Jethro
    I’m disappointed Trump didn’t can him. Obviously Trumps the ultimate biz guy and an awesome manager. In my organization I don’t need 100 percent proof I have a dead loser on my hands. 78 percent is good enough.

  6. I was just reading on GP about a girl who went into Walgreens to get a flu shot and they gave her a covid shot and then told her it was just a mistake.

    I know many people who are so scared of them slipping this to their children that they’re putting regular vaccinations off. People who would rather risk tetanus as to get a tetanus booster. That is how far all government agencies and the medical community has lost the trust of citizens.

    Them doing stuff like this isn’t going to help with that.


  7. Jethro, my sister in law works from home on the phone doing sales for a drug company as a contractor. They are demanding all contractors get the shot. It took her a long time to land the job, probably going to take the shot, not even around people and forced to take it, ain’t that some shit. My nephew, senior in college took it, otherwise he wasn’t allowed to finish his studies. Disappointing, these are people against taking it and they are doing it anyways… All I can control is myself at the end of the day.

  8. Jethro
    Oh dude, you are absolutely correct. And all from false threats. Remember, and this is key, they cannot feed themselves. In fact, the only country that can feed them is, guess who? This is 100 percent true. Please research it.

  9. @Brad
    They have faked their money’s value to keep it low in order to steal our manufacturing. They are destroying our country without firing a shot. Our politicians and big business leaders are complicit. But you know that already.

  10. Jethro
    You are absolutely correct. However, who, exactly, is their market? The Your A Peeings? Nope. It’s your and my VISA card. Make no mistake, we are their market. In reality, pretty funny.

  11. “Remember, and this is key, they cannot feed themselves. In fact, the only country that can feed them is, guess who?” And this is why, for 15-20 years I’ve been saying that before I die I’ll see China take Australia. They have land, natural resources, low population, and a relatively low population in which to defend themselves. With the US being as pathetic as we are right now, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it sooner rather than later. Taiwan is small potatoes compared to Australia.


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