Merry Christmas – December 8th is Deadline for Mandatory Vaccines For Federal Contractors – IOTW Report

Merry Christmas – December 8th is Deadline for Mandatory Vaccines For Federal Contractors

You will take the jab or the Biden administration will block your income.

18 Comments on Merry Christmas – December 8th is Deadline for Mandatory Vaccines For Federal Contractors

  1. Or, you could start shooting the Biden administration in the face.

    Not that I’d advise that, being a statutory crime and all that. It’s just an option, one that could result in loss of your life or confinement till death.

    History teaches us that successful revolutionaries, AKA George Washington, are referred to as “Mr. President.”

    Failed ones are tried and executed. Wow! Talk about motivation! No wonder George got his dick skin on the job.

  2. I work for a Fortune 300 company that has many fed contracts. I guess that makes me a “contractor”. Bill Gates owns 20% of our stock. Considering we have at least a 25% attrition (quitting) rate since last December it will be interesting in seeing how they handle this.

    I will never take the jab under any circumstances. I am at peace with walking away and cashing out my pension. If I have to go deliver pizzas at a local joint then I will do whatever job I need to do. There is no shame in honest work.

    Fuck these tyrants

  3. Let’s see what these federal contractor employees are made of. Tyranny or freedom, take your pick. Mortgage, car payment, kids, and no recourse if you go south. Lose = Lose.

  4. My income is self managed at this point in my life.
    I have no responsibility [or need] to maintain family or friends financially,nor does the government have to give me a hand up.
    If you are in a spot,sure i will help out,but when the government tells me to obey or we will take it away i get kinda pissed.
    That’s when the guns come out.
    And I’m only a peace loving Canadian Kid.

  5. I became self employed because I needed a higher income for my family than what an employee in my industry could get.

    It was scary at first because there are no guarantees of income or benefit packages.

    Now it’s hard to keep up with the work flowing my way every day. Praise the Lord!

    Any number of my many bosses can tell me to bug off for not getting the vax and I won’t notice a thing financially. I’m turning down work as it is.

    I never slowed down during the initial lockdown. I just had a few back off for a while and others filled their spots on the schedule.

    I wish I could help people become self sufficient and get free of this arm twisting. It’s possible. Just need the faith, commitment, and have a desirable skill.

  6. Had a woman tell us tonight that she got jabbed because her employer told them if they didn’t get it they would have to pay $1200 more per year for their health insurance. That now she regrets it because she got severely sick after the second one, nothing like she’s ever experienced before and hasn’t felt good since. Tired all the time, she aches all the time, that she did walk a mile a day and now can’t walk to her mailbox without being out of breath, started having periods again after 2 years of not having any and they can’t or won’t tell her why. That she put something in her body she can’t remove and tells everyone now to not take them.

    So something else I get to worry about, we own our own business, but are they going to raise our insurance or deny us insurance? Not good when my husband is going through cancer treatment.

  7. If my only son gets sick, or worse, because he was forced to take the jab to keep his job, there are going to be a lot of motherfuckers held responsible for it.
    No trial, just me.

  8. I’m going to lose my job of 25 years for no reason other than the guy who a disease was invented and unleashed for the specific purpose of frauding him into power wants me dispossessed, dead, or both.

    That sum it up?

    I can get another job. My skill set is highly sought after.

    But maybe I should take some time off first. Go on a road trip with this unexpected free time. Just me and some tools, both short and long range tools, and you know, hang out somewhere, see if there’s something new to turn my hand to, broaden my horizons as it were.

    I hear Deleware is nice around Christmas.

  9. Tim
    SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 AT 12:16 PM
    “Delaware sucks.”

    But sometimes its more about the people you may “bump into”.

    Reread above.

    You’ll get it.


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