Joe Biden Could Owe up to Half a Million Dollars in Back Taxes, Congress Report Shows – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Could Owe up to Half a Million Dollars in Back Taxes, Congress Report Shows

Neon Nettle: Democrat Joe Biden could owe the IRS up to half a million dollars in unpaid back taxes, according to a new report from a top government agency.

According to a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office.

If the CRS report is accurate, Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden could be hit with a staggering $500,000 tax bill from the IRS.

“Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to pay their ‘fair share’,” said Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the conservative Republican Study Committee. 

“But in 2017, multi-millionaire Joe Biden skirted his payroll taxes — the very taxes that fund Medicare and Obamacare.”

Banks said the report indicated that Hunter Biden‘s father improperly used “S corporations” while he and Jill Biden raked in over $13 million on speaking fees and book sales in 2017 and 2018. read more

22 Comments on Joe Biden Could Owe up to Half a Million Dollars in Back Taxes, Congress Report Shows

  1. If Joe gets paid for speaking I should be able to get paid for farting.

    Oh, right, and Hunter gets paid for artwork and no one was interesting in saving the world with Clinton’s once the evil witch lost the election.

    You know why democrats were so fixated on you being fixated on Trump’s taxes? Theirs are a mess.


    It maybe old, but it’s unresolved. But yea, there’s a certain amount of RINOs and Democrats that are reconsidering what they really want for this country.
    A glaring example tonight on FOX, Ari Fleischer. Can’t wait for DJT to eviscerate that bitch. He mistakenly thinks he’s half as smart as DJT.

  3. If any of us owed 25 dollars we’d be hounded to the grave.

    My friend Chip got a nastygram in the mail from the IRS for something silly like $24.50. Some shit he messed up years ago.

    It cost far more than 25 dollars to get that 25 dollars out of him… but hey, they are fucking snakes.

  4. Half a mil is chump change for a grifter like Biden. He can cover that with his next monthly payment from Beijing and still have money left over to buy Hunter a new box of crayons.

  5. “Even by his daily actions alone, OBiden remains a perfect example of an evil psychopath easily recognizable by his paltry and dwindling number of constituents and many enemies alike.”

    “And, when it becomes his turn to poison his grave site merely by his mentally-deranged presence of death, that particular site will likely be continuously soaked daily from a never-ending flow of spittle, snot and blind hatred of his many victims, who shuffle by in silent rage and despair amongst the smoldering backdrop of a near fully-destroyed Country…courtesy of this once Criminal and Traitor in Chief, destroyer of


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