Biden Drags Down Terry McAuliffe in Virginia – IOTW Report

Biden Drags Down Terry McAuliffe in Virginia

WFB: The Cook Political Report on Friday changed its prediction in the Virginia gubernatorial race from “lean Democratic” to “tossup,” citing “a worsening national environment for Democrats” as President Joe Biden’s poll numbers drop dramatically.

The nonpartisan political forecaster long held that Democratic nominee and former governor Terry McAuliffe had an advantage in the increasingly blue state. It changed its prediction to a tossup in light of recent polls that show either a lead for Republican Glenn Youngkin or a narrow McAuliffe lead within a margin of error.

One major reason for the shift, Cook political analyst Jessica Taylor wrote Friday, is Biden’s now-underwater approval rating. A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that only 43 percent of nationwide voters approve of the president’s performance. A recent Washington Post poll found that Biden’s numbers have similarly tanked in Virginia, a state he won easily in 2020, with a 51 percent disapproval rating.

Cook Political Report editor Amy Walter wrote Thursday that voters have soured on Biden because they “don’t see the ‘return to normal'” the Democrat promised after former president Donald Trump’s four years in office. more

8 Comments on Biden Drags Down Terry McAuliffe in Virginia

  1. It genuinely surprises me that I can still be surprised (OK, disgusted)at how depraved, evil, sadistic, malevolent, petty, vindictive, and just plain mean Biden is as a human being. Then he goes and does this;

    Here is the dog pile quote;

    “The White House stated, “The Administration strongly opposes section 716, which would detract from readiness and limit a commander’s options for enforcing good order and discipline when a Service member fails to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccination. To enable a uniformed force to fight with discipline, commanders must have the ability to give orders and take appropriate disciplinary measures.”

    Those refusing to take the jab need disciplining, so no “Honorable Discharge” for you.

    I’d rank the “Biden” plague right up there with frogs, locusts, and fiery hail.

  2. Now Youngkin needs to go in for the kill.
    Yeah. Biden sucks. McAuliffe is terrible.

    Explain why Mr. Youngkin.

    Crime is through the roof, which results in innocent children of color dying for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like in their own bedrooms at night, while your team are sneaking violent predators out the back door and back onto the streets.

    The economy sucks because your team shut businesses down with your dempanic. And then your mother ship in DC threw money in the economy so it’s more profitable for your deadbeat constituents to get the stimmy than get off their asses. Thanks for the inflation and high gas prices.

    Not to mention McAuliffe’s desire to kill babies up to or just out of the womb.

    Not to mention his desire to disarm honorable people while Biden throws the southern border open.

    Hell. I’m just getting started.

    Get tough Glenn. So many targets.

  3. In a way, we are seeing a repeat of 2009, after Obama & fellow Dems swept into power and started cramming all of their “wish list” legislation down our throats. You know, that whole “don’t let a crisis go to waste”. The difference is how they have perverted the electoral process, assisted by RINO’s who failed to stand up for integrity. So absolutely no guarantee the GOP will win the mid-terms. I think everyone here knows that.

  4. Rich Taylor: The term “lawful order” is certainly up for debate. “We order you to get this shot which is only under an emergency authorization and for which no long term studies have been made. We are doing this in contradiction of the Nuremberg findings.”

  5. Just like Biden dragged down Newsom or any other dem. People keep talking about 2022 and 2024 as if we have legitimate elections. Have people not noticed the majority of ‘elected’ officials on the left and many on the right can’t even show their faces on the streets without being mocked and yet they continue to win. And they keep us pacified acting like they might lose the next election. Meanwhile they enact far left agendas that are never going to be reversed completely.


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