Think Tank President Who Fantasized About Beating Gun Owners’ ‘Brains In’ Steps Down Amid Domestic Violence Allegations – IOTW Report

Think Tank President Who Fantasized About Beating Gun Owners’ ‘Brains In’ Steps Down Amid Domestic Violence Allegations

DailyCaller: The president of a think tank who once fantasized about maiming a St. Louis couple resigned in September after being charged with assaulting his wife, Politico reported.

Jerry Taylor, president of the Washington-based Niskanen Center, was arrested in June and charged with assault and battery of a family member, according to court documents seen by Politico. Taylor allegedly pushed his wife to the ground during an argument over an iPad and began slapping her as well as placing his hands around her neck, Politico reported.

Taylor was ordered to complete an “abusers’ intervention program,” according to court documents, and denied his wife’s allegations. more

20 Comments on Think Tank President Who Fantasized About Beating Gun Owners’ ‘Brains In’ Steps Down Amid Domestic Violence Allegations

  1. His wife should divorce him, he’s a violent dangerous man more likely to hurt someone than those folks who feared for their lives defending their home. I guarantee it’s not the first time he’s hurt her.

  2. Jerry has been wrong about a few things and is very likely a diabolical narcissist. That stated, I have to take these domestic abuse stories with a pound of salt. Whilst I have never struck nor throttled a female I do know a few guys who were (are) involved with violent women and have been put in defensive positions that can be misconstrued… oh! I believe women!

  3. “Taylor allegedly pushed his wife to the ground …and began slapping her as well as placing his hands around her neck,”

    Move to Australia, Jerry. There’s a plum job waiting for you on the police force. You’ve got the right stuff.

  4. “Think Tank President Who Fantasized About Beating Gun Owners’ ‘Brains In’“

    Hey fella, you really didn’t think this one through did you? I don’t know if you know this or not, but if you come at a gun owner with a hammer or a brick to bash their brains in, they’re gonna shoot you. Just sayin’

    “Bash their brains in…” I hope this guy gets his butthole bashed in while he’s in jail.

  5. His oppo to guns apparently is based on sound reasoning. In fact the circumstance confirms why personal possession of firearms is a good thing. Big man stops pushing little gal around when she whips out the .380.

  6. Somewhat related: Brian Laundrie, the guy who killed his girlfriend, Gabby Petito, was a gun hater, and a democrat piece of shit too. As are his parents. Mommas, don’t let your daughters date liberals.

  7. That’s why Liberals should be banned from gun ownership – the general lack of self-control required to handle dangerous objects.
    They probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive cars or run governments either, yet here we are…

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