Shut it down. Shut it all down. – IOTW Report

Shut it down. Shut it all down.

Patriot Retort: I hear the government might have to shut down. That’s the best news I’ve heard in months. Let’s shut it all down.

Turnabout is fair play, after all.

If government can shut down our businesses, our jobs, and our schools, it’s only fair that we can shut them down. If government can deem some of us “essential” and others “non-essential,” it’s only fair that we can do the same to them.

And I deem every last one of these parasitic blood-suckers “non-essential.” So shut it down. Shut it all down.

Board up the windows, turn out the lights, chain the doors shut, and call it a day.

Shut it all down.

While we Americans were struggling to pay our bills, these assholes could spend our money as much as they wanted. What’s a few trillion dollars added to the national debt? more here

21 Comments on Shut it down. Shut it all down.

  1. Of course, Chuckie is claimed we won’t get SS payments. BS
    Remember when 0bama hired extra people to put up barricades to protect the WWII Veterans Members against an invasion of 90 year olds in wheelchairs who had come via Angel Flight for a once in a lifeline express of seeing the memorial. Wonder how much these essential workers and the barricades cost?

  2. Shut it down! And should we decide to open it again, 25% capacity is all we allow.
    You will remain 25 feet apart, (Hell, the 6 foot rule was pulled out of someone’s ass, so I can play that game too). Duct tape shall be worn across your mouths indoors and out, whether you are standing or sitting,(I don’t give a rats ass if you want to eat).
    I also demand that every DC parasite be jabbed with every toxic substance known to man.
    And, should you refuse your toxic cocktail,you lose your job,pension,homes,offshore accounts, lobbyist grift,any and all illegal perks you’ve created for yourselves.
    Hell, I want you so broken and defeated that even the most reviled member of society won’t acknowledge you.

  3. Besides shutting it down, we should also…

    (Select all that apply)

    Flood it with 40 days and 40 nights of rain.
    Turn it into pillars of salt.
    Level it with a 9.0 earthquake.
    Paint it with red “CONDEMNED” signs.
    Nuke it from orbit.
    Send in Trump and DeSantis with a whips.

  4. I’m in favor of a government shutdown, but they need to eliminate back-pay. All these cushy government workers get paid leave. Make them feel it. Let them get pissed off at Congress, because every day Congress dicks around, people wouldn’t be getting paid. That would get people’s attention very quickly.

  5. As if anybody in government will miss a paycheck.

    As if anybody but Republicans will be blamed for denying people the stimmies and gimmes.

    Furthermore, nothing will actually be shut down in the Big Shutdown Showfown Theater, and Republicans will cave anyway. Again.

    Tee it up, Lucy. Here we come.

  6. It’s all smoke and mirrors. The plan to fund the beast is already decided, but they need to run this sham each time to make people think there are two parties. No one misses a paycheck and the corruption continues. Smoke and mirrors to distract the people.

  7. I’ve got a few questions regarding a government shut down.

    1) Will our borders be unprotected?
    2) Will US citizens, soldiers and ambassadors be less safe?
    3) Will Hunter Xiden still be the smartest man Choe knows?
    4) Will I miss high speed rail?
    5) When SS stops, will I still get a letter every month
    telling me how it’s the Republicans fault along with the
    auxiliary page with the toll free number and the 47 languages
    I can get the letter in if I don’t understand English?
    6) Who’s going to take over the distribution of
    illegal aliens from the border to areas where they aren’t
    7) Will a shutdown include Congress and the executive branch?
    If not, what’s the point of a shutdown?

    Depending on the politicians to get us out of the mess they created proves Einstein’s definition of insanity.

  8. I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    I want term limits in Washington!
    That is if course after the shut down!


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