The 0bama LieBarry – IOTW Report

The 0bama LieBarry

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Dorkus Maximus Breaks Ground for Historic Presidential Non-Library Library.

There is something distinctly unhealthy for democracy in our new tradition of building bigger and bigger museums for each president as if they were pharaohs in ancient Egypt trying to construct bigger pyramids than those erected for their predecessors. Such institutions are a reflection of the inflation of each president into something earlier Americans would think of as a monarch rather than the elected leader of a republic. In this case we are talking about the inflated ego of one Barky Obama.

After a series of starts and stops and a lengthy legal battle with city and neighborhood residents who don’t want it in the area and healthy bribes over construction clearance, Barky’s presidential library is pressing ahead with the site of the future non-archives.

According to the New York Times, it “won’t actually be a presidential library.” There will be no research library on site, no physical archives room and none of Obama’s official presidential records. Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize and edit the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online, and presumably for the control to edit and rewrite history as needed to keep Barky out of prison. more here

10 Comments on The 0bama LieBarry

  1. Gee, ya think it will have his Occidental and Columbia school transcripts?

    My personal theory, based on nothing empirical mind you, is that those with the biggest presidential libraries have the smallest joint. Of course the wookie wouldn’t know, we should query Larry Sinclair.

  2. “There is something distinctly unhealthy for democracy in our new tradition of building bigger and bigger museums for each president as if they were pharaohs in ancient Egypt…”

    But…but…but… Under the Magic Negro’s Reign, the sea levels magically lowered, the Earth’s climate cooled, the economy ran at full speed, the budget was balanced, everyone prospered during the Great R̶e̶c̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ Obsession, and, most importantly, Blacks and Whites were living together in peace like dogs and cats with no racism. Sounds like an Egyptian pharaoh to me worthy of a great temple.

    (Throws up in his soup bowl.)

  3. I was going to try to write something witty about this baloney, but there’s absolutely not a single shred of enthusiasm for that guy — no motivation to even think about him, save a sort of ennui that, ironically, was just the kind of memory/sensation he engendered. He’s a nobody.


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