Durham Issues New Round Of Subpoenas – IOTW Report

Durham Issues New Round Of Subpoenas

PTN: A law firm with ties to Hillary Clintonโ€™s 2016 campaign is among those receiving subpoenas from special counsel John Durham. According to CNN, this would indicate that Durham is trying to build a broader criminal case.

9 Comments on Durham Issues New Round Of Subpoenas

  1. Well, now. That linked article was wholly vague. More “sources familiar with the . . ” And quoted from CN&N no less! Sorry, but someone’s slow news day is no excuse for outright speculation on this subject. And if online alternative media is the new source of info, it doesn’t help to quote C,N&N as the source AND I’m disgusted with bad spelling, bad grammar; just bad writing. I’m just a commenter on a blog, so my posting errors don’t count.

  2. If Elias is indicted I might actually perk up, Sussman was just a numbers runner, Elias is a consegleri Elias is the big fish who was Hillezbubs go to operator at Perkins Commie…

    Sussman may have turned if Elias is now in the crosshairs. Maybe someone is out to get Hillezbub now that Satan’s Queen is no longer relevant. Or as a distraction from Pedo McSniffer. More likely a consolidation of the Magic Halfrican’s power.

    Hopefully Hillezbub will go to the mattresses against the Barky the half black Jesus and there will ensue a mutually assured destruction.

    The closer the subpoenas get to the Lizard Queen the more the rats will start rattling each other out.


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