After de-funding the police, shootings and killings are inundating Baltimore’s “trauma response team” – IOTW Report

After de-funding the police, shootings and killings are inundating Baltimore’s “trauma response team”

LET: BALTIMORE, MD – Baltimore’s Trauma Response Team is reportedly being inundated with responding to families experiencing the suffering that comes with acts of violence and murders, with the team’s chief saying that violent crime is “out of control” and they’ve been forced to triage responses to grieving families.

While instances of shootings and murders bring to mind police investigations revolving around them, Dr. Andre Humphrey leads a team whose efforts are just as pivotal in the aftermath of violent crime: guiding impacted families to resources needed in the wake of loss.

With Humphrey serving as the chief of Baltimore’s Trauma Response Team, recent times have been particularly difficult as the calls are coming in on a daily basis – be they shootings or homicides.

Humphrey says with the pattern of violent crime ongoing in the city, he and his team simply cannot keep up with helping these suffering families.

Baltimore has already surpassed 250 homicides in 2021, with reportedly 16 of them occurring over the last week in September. Even though Humphrey says he and his team plan to respond to all the families affected, he hasn’t been able to and has been forced to triage cases for the time being:

“We prioritize especially when they are children, in the last couple of weeks we’ve been having a lot of shootings with juveniles.”

As he and his team are working as efficiently as possible, Humphrey did express that it wears down on him when he cannot tend to a family promptly:

“When I haven’t reached certain families, I feel like I let them down.” more

17 Comments on After de-funding the police, shootings and killings are inundating Baltimore’s “trauma response team”

  1. Oh well. My advice is quit. Move to a small town in Iowa.
    Ironically the decline of Baltimore started with Pelosis dear sweet father. 100% Gospel. Evil reaches deep though out the entire gene pool. Kill it with a stick. She loves her daddy. Probably literally. They’re all the spawn of the devil.

  2. Many years ago I lived and worked in Baltimore.. it was funky then but when traveling I told people I was from Baltimore instead of dc.

  3. Read the whole long thing, and it is surely depressing. As usual, the end result was to beg for more $$$ to pay for more grief counseling. So typical left wing non-solution. Never do anything to address the actual trouble. Not that I know what to do! I can observe though.

    It surely seems it is now official national policy to destroy inner cities. Is there not some common theme among these latest stories on IOTW ?

    Rampant drug use. Crazy shootings. Reduction of any real schooling. Reduction of real policing. Importation of masses of aliens that will never assimilate. Fake voting. And throw on all this v@xx stuff, and you will conclude it must be on purpose.

  4. “Move to a small town in Iowa”

    They don’t have to move that far. I bet there are lots of smaller cities in Maryland, as with every state in the union, where the chief, the mayor and the good citizens understand and appreciate the need for good quality policing. And good cops, those that understand their job, understand who they work for and crave that mutual reciprocity of respect that was typical not so long ago will flock to that type of working environment.

  5. Brad, you don’t have to trust them, but skilled dedicated police will only make the community better, safer, and more hospitable to those good citizens that pay their salary.

    I remember, when I was still working, how one bad deed does not counter a hundred good ones, it poisons the entire lake.

    The old saying applies, bang a hundred women and your life is uneventful but suck one dick and you are a cock-sucker for life. I may be delusional but I still think the good honest cops will go the extra mile to win the trust of the community they serve.

  6. Many years (decades) ago I found myself traveling into Bawlmore, the first thing I noticed was the Mickey D’s with no windows, all brick facade.
    Made me think twice about stopping, so off I went.

  7. Baltimore was a shit-hole back in Edgar Allen Poe’s day.
    Corruption was rampant, as was vote fraud.
    The D’Alesandros were just one corrupt family out of many.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Its the systemic racism culture, where inner-city children refuse to participate in their own education. The ones that try are bullied for acting white. Mathematics is racist. Learning to read is racist.

    Clearly, it’s whitey’s fault and more democrats are needed.

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