Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles – IOTW Report

Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles

Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles with global supply chain on the brink of collapse: Americans face shortages of cars, shoes and exercise gear as holiday season looms

Dozens of cargo ships anchored off the coasts of Los Angeles and New York face shocking wait times of up to four weeks and railyards and trucking routes are hopelessly clogged due to the lack of manpower to unload goods – with an expert warning that the government needs to intervene or face spiraling inflation and unemployment.

The backlog of billions of dollars of toys, clothing, electronics, vehicles, and furniture comes as the demand for consumer goods hit its highest point in history as consumers stay home instead of spending money on travel and entertainment.

Supply chains have lagged far behind consumer demand due to a lack of manpower at American ports and the restrictions that came with the COVID-19 outbreak early last year. These constraints, which include social distancing and mandatory quarantines, have severely limited the number and ability of port workers to do their jobs. more

22 Comments on Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles

  1. All according to plan.

    Collapse the system. They will BEG for tyranny.

    “…with an expert warning that the government needs to intervene or face spiraling inflation and unemployment.”

    See what I mean? Completely ignores the fact that Government CAUSED the problem!

    Just says the Government should use FORCE to solve it.

    Even though they WON’T.

    Mussolini never could make the trains run on time no matter HOW many people he shot.

    Didn’t stop him from shooting people, tho.

    We’ve got more – and worse – in store for you guys, tho.

    If you’re lucky we’ll kill you early.

  2. It’s all part of the plan; mass hysteria over a manufactured planet killing pandemic, collapse the economy by removing the supply from the demand and flooding the market with inflated dollars and open the southern border to all manner of undesirables so that nobody is safe, create conditions so dire, so dangerous that people will willingly give up their freedoms for a little bit of security, which the government no doubt promises to provide.

  3. This is just one example of what the scamplandemic is doing and will do to our lives if we continue to bow down to those who seek to lord over us at any cost. We need a non-politician conservative in office, who will stop all these fake covid restrictions now more than ever.

    Enough of this bullshit! Face the enemy, mano-a-covido, and let’s get back to living our lives. Yes I know people will die, but this is the new revolution. The NWO Covid is today’s version of the British tyranny over the Colonies. If we don’t take a stand today there will be no tomorrow for our children and grandchildren.

  4. I have always suspected that the Democrats want to create another scenario like the Great Depression so that they can role play FDR and pretend to “Save America”. The nitwits on the left will eat this up and be kissing DNC ass for decades.

  5. I purchase very little/nothing made by brain dead Asians. I can’t do it for my biz. I refuse to do it for my personal shit. I imagine this will cause unforeseen problems. But I think I have them all covered.

  6. Of course this looks like Plandemic complications, but the reality is we have to look at the CPUSA, Alinsky, and Cloward-Piven and you’ll realize this is a decades long effort to bring the USA down. Most of us know that, but consistent remainders are always worthwhile. Especially when someone new is brought on board. I just bought a book that I read in the mid 70’s, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”. I bet many of us have read it. Back when it was written our national debt was less than 500 billion dollars, and it was considered outrageous. Rereading it sounds like it’s a current issue but it’s 50 years old.

  7. It makes me sick.

    U.S. Forces China Out of Port of Long Beach Terminal Ownership
    By Jared Vineyard
    Posted October 15, 2019

    The Obama administration proudly signed the agreement in 2012 giving China control of America’s second-largest container port behind the nearby Port of Los Angeles. One of the Trump administration’s first big moves was to get the Communists out of the Port of Long Beach.

  8. The message is clear you will never vote for another DJT as president of the United States because we will make your life a living hell. 🔥

    Believe they are swinging the iron fist ✊ of tryanny against the people.

    We are dealing with some real sicko’s, please ask the Lord to give the American people the wisdom to never back down. 🕊️❤️🙏

    God Bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. It’s all part of the communist plan. People beg for gov to intervene then all sorts of controls get put in place and it’s bye bye capitalism.

    People need to learn how to not buy worthless shit though, that’s for sure. All flashy shit that’s stuck in the supply chain will be forgotten about 2 weeks after it’s finally delivered.

  10. @ Joe6pak
    I first read ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’ back in the late 70’s. I started buying copies by the dozen and I’d give them to everyone I knew and to strangers. I don’t have a copy now but it was one of the most important books I ever read. Everyone should read it!

  11. Here’s the most frustrating part.
    If Mr. Trump we’re still in charge, you would expect him to work to resolve the many issues like these bottlenecks and parts shortages and delta variants.
    And he would come up with something ingenious to fix these problems.
    Instead we have that DUMBASS PRETENDIDENT FUCK JOE BIDEN in charge, and NOTHING IS SOLVED.
    Who is elected is important.
    Competency matters.

  12. The wood crisis was totally manufactured as well. Saw a video from the northwest of literally miles of packaged lumber stockpiled in yards along the railway last year!

  13. “with an expert warning that the government needs to intervene ”
    but they did
    “These constraints, which include social distancing and mandatory quarantines, have severely limited the number and ability of port workers to do their jobs.”

  14. I found an old Trevor Loudon video made in 2012 before Obummer’s re-election, basically tracing the history of the communist infiltration in the US and making the connections back to Oblowme.

    If you compare what he said nine years ago to what is happening today you clearly see – which most of us already know – that Bitme is Obummer’s third term.

    The bottom line, ultimate goal is to destroy our military from within. Budget cuts, gays, trannies, wokeshit, forced jabs – no jab and you’re forced out.

    If you don’t want to hear all of the background and go right to the bottom line, skip to the 24:00 mark.

  15. Any intervention (read interference) on the part of this government will only result in more misery! They have no intentions of “Building Back Better” as they have clearly demonstrated by deliberately destroying the economy, the military, our police forces, our energy sources, our borders, our foreign policies, Afghanistan and everything else they’ve touched!

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