US Government Collapsing and We’re Pretending It’s Not – IOTW Report

US Government Collapsing and We’re Pretending It’s Not

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9 Comments on US Government Collapsing and We’re Pretending It’s Not

  1. I just listened to the first few minutes of this podcast by Andy Frisella. He is a very successful guy, his ’75 Hard’ a great way to jump-start your life.
    Anyway, this podcast is 2 hours and I only listened to a few minutes so far – but he suggests that with the slowdown in transportation the government is forcing us into a winter of food shortages. Thoughts?

  2. I really don’t know too much about the slowdown in transportation, other than there is one, but I do know that democRATz have become experts in Crisis Fabrication! It use to be “Never let a crisis go to waste” Now they’re manufacturing them!! They have re-invented “racism”, fabricated “White Supremacy”, Russian Collusion as well as deliberately destroyed our energy sources, our economy, our military, our police, our borders, Afghanistan, etc! I certainly wouldn’t put it past them to be creating another crisis to force more and more people to be dependent on the government. It’s just a puzzle piece that fits!

  3. This guys huge on Instagram. Just discovered him last week. I think IG is his main platform actually. PJ gives presentations to kids groups. He does some really cool shit. If you’re on IG a would urge you to follow him. Unless you’re a barber.


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