Pro-illegal alien Liberals stalk Kyrsten Sinema inside bathroom – IOTW Report

Pro-illegal alien Liberals stalk Kyrsten Sinema inside bathroom

Becker News-
Arizona’s Senator Kyrsten Sinema got a dose of the radical left’s ‘bathroom politics’ at Arizona State University, as she attempted to use the restroom in between her teaching duties at the college.

“Blanca, an AZ immigrant youth confronts Senator Sinema inside her classroom, where she teaches [at] ASU,” Lucha Arizona said about the video. “[I]n 2010 both my grandparents got deported bc of SB1070… my grandfather passed away 2 wks ago & I wasn’t able to go to Mexico bc there is no pathway to citizenship.”

One can only imagine if these were pro-life or 2nd amendment activists pulling such a tasteless stunt with a Democratic senator. Instead of being blasted for their lack of discretion, the mainstream media reported it in matter-of-fact fashion.

“Protesters followed Sen. Sinema into the bathroom at Arizona State University to confront her on Build Back Better and immigration,” Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Epstein noted. MORE HERE

11 Comments on Pro-illegal alien Liberals stalk Kyrsten Sinema inside bathroom

  1. This is when it would be prudent to carry pepper spray (stream), as potent as you can get, everywhere you go. Even into the bathroom.

  2. Lil’ Blanca couldn’t get to mexico and back for her grandfathers funeral, yet 20,00 Haitians went to the grandfathers funeral and still made it in the USA.

    Who’s paying for her to attend ASU. I know, stupid question.

  3. “Protesters followed Sen. Sinema into the bathroom at Arizona State University to confront her on Build Back Better and immigration,”

    And if this was about abortion, gun rights, or even push back against spending money we don’t have, these would not be “protestors” described, but white supremacists, domestic terrorists, or right-wing radicals.

    As much as I hate this type of behavior, it’s good that libs are finally getting a taste of it themselves. Progressives behaving badly, and water’s wet.

  4. Does anyone follow Bag Faced Jill Biden during breaks for when she teaches college courses… Oh, that’s right. That was more Biden Bullshit before the election.


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