Dr. Grinchi: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Families Can Gather for Christmas – IOTW Report

Dr. Grinchi: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Families Can Gather for Christmas

What an ass-ho-ho-hole!

42 Comments on Dr. Grinchi: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Families Can Gather for Christmas

  1. We had 10 people over for Christmas last year.
    The more often Fauxci opens his trap the closer I come to a long stream of cuss words and names coming out of my mouth.

  2. 4200 miles I have to drive for family this Christmas because I’m too much of an extremist to be allowed on an airplane. All the people I’m going to see are vaxxed so they’ll probably cancel anyway since I’m too much of a threat. Fucking hell. This fauci goon has destroyed everything.

  3. The level of arrogance is simply breathtaking, isn’t it? An unelected (if that even matters), self-anointed pisant whose guarantees under the Constitution are no greater than my own has the utter gall to tell me and you who we can associate with and how many we can associate with? Sorry, no deal. Sad trombone on that negotiation, pal.

  4. This little parasite has been sucking the taxpayers blood for 50+ years. Ivermectin may help with covid and be a fine horse dewormer but what is really needed is a government dewormer. Something like Drano comes to mind.

  5. Hey asshole, my family spent every major holiday together before, during and, so far, after this bullshit China flu. Also, if you move Biden’s fist over a little, you can shove the vaccines up your ass. And one more thing, pillow biter, I haven’t worn a mask in several months…not one single time. So fuck off!

  6. Just go to the Christmas party, risk getting the Chinese/American bioweapon, get over the bioweapon and move on with life. Net result: 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 (just like you have for every other virus you’ve ever had).

    “But I’m scared!”
    “Okay, for you, stay home and put your head in a toilet and flush it.”
    “You’re MEAN!”
    “You’re right, honey. Just stay home and eat cheese.”

  7. This is the same BS he said in 2020 and it never ends until people just stop complying with any and all tyranny. There could be zero covid cases and these maniacs will tell you to stay home because you could start to spread it again. And yet 50% of people in my area voluntarily wear masks including in restaurants to move around, I’m to the point I want to snap their mask and screen wake up.

  8. Go ahead and get together… It’s only your grandmother and other fat relatives that could die… Bring lots of horse de-wormer for stocking stuffers

  9. ““And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?

    It came without mask. It came without vaccines.

    It came without Fauci on covers of magazines!
    Then the Grinch thought of something incredibly nice.

    ‘Maybe Chrisians,’ he thought, ‘don’t fear for their lives. Maybe Christians, perhaps, trust the Lord Jesus Christ’”

  10. General Malaise
    OCTOBER 4, 2021 AT 6:13 PM

    Thanks, but I wasn’t happy with it. Could have better flow. Let me try again…

    ““And the Fauch, with his Fauch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?

    It came without mask. It came without vaccines.

    It came despite fears on the covers of magazines!

    Then the Fauch thought of something incredibly nice.

    ‘Maybe Christians,’ he thought, ‘do not fear for their lives. Maybe Christians, perhaps, trust the Lord Jesus Christ’”

  11. oh phew – everybody relax – Christmas is on – Saint Fauci of Wuhan has reversed himself again and will allow us to gather with our families and enjoy the holidays. What a guy!

    But but he was merely taken out of context. And he has never flip flopped before.

  12. @Cmn¢¢guy

    Everybody must be vaxxed and boostered. We can’t permit a control group of unvaxxed to exist – to compare with the vaccinated.


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