Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online – IOTW Report

Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online

Disclose tv: On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg trial of the major war criminals of World War II, Stanford University digitized the historical files of this trial and made them publicly available online.

From November 20, 1945, to October 1, 1946, leading representatives of the National Socialist regime had to answer before an international military tribunal. The 24 main defendants included Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel and Karl Dönitz.

The documents were provided by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has digitized the documents. Stanford University made the files searchable using text recognition and divided them into types of documents such as charges, closing arguments, pardon, and witness lists. more

11 Comments on Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online

  1. The “Trials” were an abomination – a stain on justice.

    Would have been more honest to just kill the “defendants” (clearly criminals) outright than to stage such hypocritical theater, particularly with representatives of the Soviet Union sitting in “judgement.”

    That the United States participated in such a travesty should make us ashamed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “There is an answer to the doctor’s question. All the Dachaus must remain standing.
    The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes – all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.
    Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God’s Earth.”

    Deaths-Head Revisited
    -Rod Serling

  3. Deaths-Head Revisited was one of the best Twilight Zone episodes ever. Where the former Nazi prison commandant revisited the prison camp he had commanded after World War 2 and he was tortured to death by the ghosts of former prisoners in his mind. It was also one of Rod Serling’s most powerful thought provoking episodes ever revealing that the mind is a powerful thing when it’s full of guilt and remorse over our evil actions as with the Nazi commandant, even though he didn’t know it until the ghosts came back to haunt him to death.

  4. ” And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God’s Earth.”

    Oh, we are so close to this moment.

  5. Tim,
    The purpose of the trails was to officially present the evidence of crimes against humanity while explaining who was responsible and test the evidence in an adversarial format so that a year from then or a hundred years from now anyone could read through the transcripts and conclude that the allegations of “crimes against humanity” were in fact justified.
    The victors of WWII wanted it to be clear that the winners did not just make this shit up is the most blunt way of explaining the purpose of the Nuremberg Trials. Take a look around as to how many Holocaust deniers there are today. Had there not been a Nuremberg Trial I shudder to think where that number would be today.
    You end your all posts with izlamo delenda est. I will say for the record I fully agree with that sentiment but that is because I understand the historical context of what inspired that statement. There was only 52 years between the 2nd Punic War and the 3rd Punic war. We are 76 years away from the end of WWII and Germany is nowhere near prepping for another go at world domination. I would submit to you the reason Germany is playing nice is because of the Nuremberg Trails. Which is to say not even the Germans are saying ‘that historical narrative is just what the victors say to justify their treatment of us and everyone knows the victors make up the “history”’.

  6. Pelopidas,
    I cannot deny that the “intent” was, perhaps, as you state. I DO object to the dictatorial nature of the events, the pomposity of the events, the simple fact that the Soviet Union, which had (indeed and documented) committed a greater number of “crimes against humanity” was allowed a thoroughly hypocritical “judge” to sit, and the blatantly illegal aspects of trying and convicting these criminals on charges that simply didn’t exist in German or International Law and were DESIGNED for the criminals. The criminals could not even question the legitimacy of the proceedings! How’s that for a Kangaroo Court?
    And, if memory serves, “crimes against humanity” was only one of the possible convicting decrees.
    The others were:
    Conspiracy to commit crimes alleged in other counts;
    Crimes against Peace;
    and War Crimes.

    And one of the defendants wasn’t even the guy! But they proceeded with the prosecution because they didn’t want to look stupid!

    And while Germany was deeply smothered in shame, it certainly wasn’t the last war crimes or crimes against humanity or crimes against Peace or criminal conspiracies by Governments (we’re experiencing some right now by our own government).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If you are given an order, or told to obey a law, that you know is immoral, you have a moral duty to disobey. “I was just following orders,” or “I was just following the science,” is no excuse. As Peter asked, “Whom should we obey, men or God?”

  8. “If you are given an order, or told to obey a law, that you know is immoral, you have a moral duty to disobey. “I was just following orders,” or “I was just following the science,” is no excuse.”

    The philosophy is sound, the practical execution can lead to personal disaster.

    Fear is a powerful incentive.

    Governments operate through coercion. Period. The “Law” is the medium through which the organized oppress the dis-organized. There has always been debate over what is “just” law and what is “unjust” law. But those with the power to kill and/or imprison heed not such debate – they act as suits their interests – twisting and perverting “law” to their ends.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim,

    To be sure the USSR was as Reagan said “an evil empire”. And Yes the top dog was dead but, as you pointed out other charges were “conspiracy to …” (an international RICO type trail well before RICO). Hitler did not act alone and the idea was henceforth let it be known if this happens again and you are in the chain of command you will be punished.

    In the final analysis we live in a broken world. Genocide has continued to be a problem from hell. The good intentions of the Nuremberg Trails and the UN have been corrupted that is true. There is a valid argument to be said that the corruption was in the DNA by allowing Stalin’s Russia to be apart of the UN and the Nuremberg Trials but then again we come to these conclusions with the benefit of hindsight.

    I look at it as people doing the best they could with the knowledge they had at the time. If either one of us could go back in time we would go to Truman in ’45 and tell him to “give Patton orders to take Moscow and give Patton a direct order to drag that Red SoB Stalin into Red Square personally shoot him with his Ivory handled pistol”. How much better would the world have been if that would have been. Sadly neither one of us own a TARDIS or a Wayback Machine so we are left with what is.


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