Wuhan Lab Journal Edited By U.S. Officials, Published Dozens Of Studies From China’s Military – IOTW Report

Wuhan Lab Journal Edited By U.S. Officials, Published Dozens Of Studies From China’s Military

The collusion between the U.S. deep state and Chinese military is far more entrenched than most recognize.

7 Comments on Wuhan Lab Journal Edited By U.S. Officials, Published Dozens Of Studies From China’s Military

  1. The chinks own the deep state as well as CONgress, everything you see from our representatives is kabuke theater design to mollify the masses.

  2. Turns out China bought a shit-ton of PCR tests in May 2019.
    If our country wasn’t so full of evil & incompetent assholes they would study Americans that got covid in 2019.
    My blood could actually do some good and maybe save lives since I had covid in December 2019.
    Now all they want from me is to take a fucking killer-experimental shot and STFU.

    I’m becoming a HUGE fan of Brandon!


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