Florida Man Posing As A Teen Drove To Meet 14-Year-Old Girl. Her Father Was Waiting . – IOTW Report

Florida Man Posing As A Teen Drove To Meet 14-Year-Old Girl. Her Father Was Waiting .

LAKELAND, FLA. – Deputies arrested a 47-year old man after an investigation showed that he had been posing as a 17-year old boy while soliciting nude photos of a local 14-year old girl.

Timothy Jacobs of Lakeland, first made contact with the victim in March of 2020 via the social media app Snapchat, and they began chatting with each other. During these chats, Jacobs told the victim he was 17-years old, and she had informed him that she was 14.

By the end of May of 2020, Jacobs started requesting nude photos of the victim, which she eventually provided. Jacobs began sending her nude photos of himself.

On October 17, 2020, Jacobs drove to the victim’s house, and when he arrived the victim was in the yard with her step-father. As the step-father shook Jacobs’ hand, he realized that Jacobs was definitely not a teenager, and told the victim to go in the house. Jacobs got back into his vehicle and left.

The victim’s mother began reviewing cell phone bills and found that one particular phone number had been associated with her daughter’s phone. more here

17 Comments on Florida Man Posing As A Teen Drove To Meet 14-Year-Old Girl. Her Father Was Waiting .

  1. It’s too easy for people who want to harm children to access children in our tech milieu. And when we realize that these monsters are constantly on the hunt! They KNOW how easy it is. It’s so hard to raise kids to believe there are good people in the world and that they don’t have to be fearful. Child pervs cannot be reformed. They should all be (at least) chemically castrated and have permanent No Contact with anyone younger than 18. To harsh? Explain repeat offenders to all the kids whose lives they destroy.

  2. I was really hoping this story would have developed into an Aluminum Easton vs. a traditional Wooden Louisville Slugger debate with discussions about future tech.

    Oh well.

  3. I would hate to raise kids today. I know my daughter struggles with not wanting her kids to fear everyone yet wants to protect them. She homeschools so she doesn’t have to worry about the perverts there. They’re too young to be on the internet or at least under her rules they are, I know other parents who have no problem giving their toddlers and young school age children internet access.

  4. “Ya can’t wrap an aluminum bat with barbed wire.”

    Some kind of law against that or something? Duct tape isn’t just for emergency boat repairs.

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