Canada’s Chief Health Officer Admits To Faking COVID Numbers – IOTW Report

Canada’s Chief Health Officer Admits To Faking COVID Numbers

‘We’re Counting ALL Sick People Who Decline COVID Tests As COVID-Positive’.

7 Comments on Canada’s Chief Health Officer Admits To Faking COVID Numbers

  1. Aaaaaaaannnd there’s more – According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated” until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot. This conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.” The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.”


  2. Believe it or not, she is one of the LEAST MILITANT medical officers in Canuckistan. (Alberta)

    Google Dr. Theresa Tam, Adams Apple & all, or the one from Toronto.
    Butterface Pre-qualification

  3. Same as US ‘health officials’. Interesting to note also is the fact that recently the American Red Cross has announced they will not use any blood plasma from those who have been vaxxed with the supposed cv drug. The vaxxed are the actual and planned plague since they didn’t stop to think about their own right and freedom to refuse any drug they don’t want. That means every business entity which demands vaxx proof are actually pandering to people who are spreading disease.

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