Former ‘CIA Whistleblower’ Says He Has Evidence On Obama/Biden’s Bin Laden Scandal – IOTW Report

Former ‘CIA Whistleblower’ Says He Has Evidence On Obama/Biden’s Bin Laden Scandal

BOMBSHELL: Former ‘CIA Whistleblower’ Says He Has Evidence Obama/Biden MURDERED Seal Team 6 Member To Coverup Bin Laden Scandal And Paid Iran $152B To Keep Quiet.

In what may be the biggest October bombshell in political history, a man who says he worked for the CIA has extensive evidence that would implicate the Obama / Biden administration in a massive coverup including the murder of members of Seal Team 6.

The full interview of a “CIA Whistleblower”, Allan Harrow Parrot, who is being interviewed by Charles Woods and Nicholas Noe. It surfaced on Sunday and shows the three talking about the blackmail /extortion of $152 Billion US dollars, that was sent to Iran to cover up the deaths of Seal Team 6 by the Obama/Biden administration.

Parrot, who says he is a former CIA agent and has extensive experience with the intelligence community, revealed he is planning on releasing documents this week on what he said are going to uncover “numerous crimes sprees”.

In the video the CIA whistleblower said the following:

“A heavy price has been paid for what we are uncovering, and millions of people want to see,” Parrot said.

The truth has to come out, “said Charles Woods, the Father of Ty Woods who was killed at the Benghazi compound, and who was very interested in the discussion.

“This is the beginning of the end for the bad guys,” Parrot said.

Anna Khait was the first to report on the CIA Whistleblower videotape in the following Twitter post: WATCH

21 Comments on Former ‘CIA Whistleblower’ Says He Has Evidence On Obama/Biden’s Bin Laden Scandal

  1. It was so obvious that our government had something to do with the death of seal team six members. They were dropping like flies on our own soil after the so-called bin Laden kill. I hope the people responsible pay the price.

  2. “This is the beginning of the end for the bad guys,” Parrot said.

    Okay, that made me laugh.

    Because we’ve already witnessed the ‘end of credulity’ in this country.

  3. Is it possible we’re being played?

    How many “we got ’em now” stories have we suffered thru?

    How many are really about people and their 15 minutes of fame?

    How many of you think the Durham investigation will play out to an end where bad people are held accountable?

    How long is the list now?

    The left owns us. They can do anything with impunity.

  4. Must have been a really small bomb, it took a year to hear about it.
    As concerned about these crooks do, I’m more concerned that so many aren’t concerned.

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
    ― Alexander Fraser Tytler

  5. Maybe in this environment it takes a year for it to gain traction. Extortion 17 is among the many crimes committed against our Armed Forces and against the Patriots of our country! Tough to imagine what the breaking point will be, but it has to be coming.

  6. Saw this a year before the twitter post. The CIA guy in the turban is a Falconer who was hanging out with the Saudi prince and taught him about his birds. This was a huge find in the rabbit hole before the tech shut downs and collapses cause on the web. The people and information is real. But, the wall to break through with regard to getting action on this info is nearly impenetrable now-a-days. And yes Durham is still working* We will win just don’t know when.

  7. I never frickin’ believed Bin Laden was killed
    by Obongo and the Seals.Osama was a severe diabetic
    and needed constant medical treatment.I read an article
    awhile back that stated a man like him may live 10 years
    in Paris with the most advanced Dia machine on the planet.Dragging around obsolete Dia gear from cave to cave for years?? Yea right. Body thrown overboard at sea? Seals shot out of the sky way-laid. Yea Right. It all stinks people and is a massive Satanic lie.

  8. @Brad

    I would expect that Seal Types would know if someone was hunting them. I doubt that they would have sat this quietly. that is why I don’t actually believe this article.



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