6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins – IOTW Report

6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins

National Pulse: Francis Collins, director of the U.S. National Institutes for Health (NIH) and one of the leading public voices during the COVID-19 pandemic will step down from his role following a number of investigative reports into Collins and his underlings.

Appointed by President Obama in 2009, Collins issued a statement this week saying: “I fundamentally believe … that no single person should serve in the position too long, and that it’s time to bring in a new scientist to lead the NIH into the future.”

But it is unlikely Collins’s belief in a revolving door at the NIH that has prompted the move. Rather, with pressure mounting on key public figures such as his minion Anthony Fauci and arms-length brother-in-arms Peter Daszak, it is worth looking at what the media won’t be saying about Collins this week.

The National Pulse has reported:

1. Francis Collins Advises Chinese Military Proxy-Linked Group Working Alongside COVID-19 Gene Storage Firm.

National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins serves on the advisory board of a conference sponsored by a Chinese military-linked genomics firm. The D.C.-based, health industry big-wig and boss to Anthony Fauci has even referred to the controversial company’s founder as a “friend”. MORE

12 Comments on 6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins

  1. ““I fundamentally believe … that no single person should serve in the position too long, and that it’s time to bring in a new scientist to lead the NIH into the future.””

    Does anybody see what’s wrong with that statement?
    I wont say anything else, just kick back drink my coffee and read responses, if any.

  2. I’m starting to think that the people at the top of federal government entities are all figureheads, and the person or committee who really runs the show is one or two layers below, or in the case of a committee, sprinkled within the entity’s hierarchy and the private sector. It’s pretty obvious that Fauci runs the NIH, and Biden does not run the Executive branch. And one look at all of the incompetent hacks in his cabinet tells us that some others are running their shows behind the scenes as well.

    This is not to say that the figureheads are blameless dupes; they can be corrupt or easily corruptible. In fact most of them are, so that when the bus rolls, they can be easily thrown under it, and the entity can continue as it was, without interruption or disruption. Fauci is busy perusing resumes, if he hasn’t picked one out already.


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