Groot vs BooBerry – IOTW Report

Groot vs BooBerry

BPR: Lightfoot, Kim Foxx trade verbal blows over no charges filed after deadly gang gun battle.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx got into a verbal war of words after the latter refused to file any charges against suspects arrested following a deadly neighborhood gun battle in broad daylight between rival gang members that was caught on video and witnessed by police.

The shootout began when a trio of gang members fired into a home on Chicago’s West Side, prompting others inside to return fire, leaving one person dead. Five people were taken into custody, but Foxx refused to file charges citing “mutual combatants,” allowing them to be released from custody.

“She’s got to explain to the public, why? Given that evidence, a pod camera right there that captured the entire thing and police officers on the scene in uniform, and a squad car there, why that isn’t enough?” Lightfoot told a news conference Monday after the incident. more here

25 Comments on Groot vs BooBerry

  1. “She’s got to explain to the public, why? Given that evidence, a pod camera right there that captured the entire thing and police officers on the scene in uniform, and a squad car there, why that isn’t enough?”


    There needs to be a way to blame it on White peopl3, Trump supporters, unvxxed COVID carriers, and maybe have a noose or something nooselike involved, or no dice.

  2. Here’s the beginning of a list of places to never, ever

    Richmond, va
    Washington, D.C.
    San Francisco
    Portland OR
    St. Louis
    Los Angeles

    Feel free to add to the list.
    I’m sure I missed some.

  3. Zonga, do you suppose she qualified?

    “Proper disposition to receive Communion includes freedom from mortal sin and actual devotion, and it is dogma that the state of grace is necessary for the worthy reception of the Eucharist.”

    I seriously doubt she met the “state of grace” in THAT criteria. How about this one:

    “Outside the danger of death, in addition, the diocesan bishop or bishops’ conference must judge that there is a ‘grave necessity’ for the administration of Communion.”

    That one seems more plausible: danger of death.

  4. @ Zonga OCTOBER 8, 2021 AT 4:58 PM

    She’s the one that will pay the price for sneaking into line and partaking when she shouldn’t be there at all.

    Libs just play at the game of life. She has no genuine relationship with Jesus at all.

    If you need an explanation of why this is true, we need to talk about your eternal salvation before it’s too late.

  5. General,

    Neither, it was the evil Cardinal Archbishop.

    She is a pro-abortion politician married to a woman who was first in line. Isn’t it appropriate for the family to go first? She disrespects the police at every opportunity. The family did not want her there. The Cardinal Archbishop who gave her permission is evil,

    Cardinal Archbishop Cupich of Chicago told the Chaplin to do it. Here is the definition of Cardinal Archbishop Cupich in the the urban dictionary:

    Named after the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago. A remark unparalleled in its combined stupidity, arrogance, and insensitivity.
    Did you really just say climate change was a bigger issue than sex abuse in the Church? You just pulled a Cupich!.
    by Tenth Power August 28, 2018

  6. Great explanation, Zonga. FYI, I gave up decades ago trying to understand the Catholic Church, and like many, don’t pay ANY attention to it any more.

    Related to Chicago, I’ve never been there. Deliberately drove around it in ’93, and even recall my brother-in-law saying on a road trip as far back as 1969, “Don’t ever go in there.”

  7. “27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

    28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

    29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.”

    1 Corinthians 27-29


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