US Freedom Flyers – IOTW Report

US Freedom Flyers US Freedom Flyers currently encompasses all travel and transportation-affiliated industries, including all employees, unionized or not, who are affected by the Federal Government’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates. Whether you’re a pilot, flight attendant, mechanic, dispatcher, gate agent, or ramper, we have room for you!

In addition, we seek to be an inclusive organization contributing to the support of other industries. If you are in other transportation industries, such as shipping, trucking, busing, etc. please join our organization! If you are in an industry other than transportation and travel, we welcome you also, and want to collaborate with you to help preserve our medical freedoms! more
h/t ToreSays

6 Comments on US Freedom Flyers

  1. Danimal, I’m out like you. But my youngest son is training to be a pilot. So I’m still kind of in. I’m going to do whatever I can to keep the needle out of his arm, and the arms of my other two kids. I will figure it out. These fascists are f—king with my retirement, and they’ll pay for that. One way or another.

  2. Thirdtwin, What? Can? You? Really? Do? About? It?

    A related anecdote: The company owner’s wife said, “Next year we are going to require all employees to be vaxed.” Pilot #3 said, “I’m not working here in that case.” Owner’s wife replied, “There’s a lot of resumes out there.” Pilot #1 says to himself, “Fuck you Cathy, I’m out of here. Let’s see your resumes fly that plane out of Birch and Kemuk. Hint: It took me 15 years to master those two places.


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