Reports: Lawmakers and Their Families Are Secretly Being Treated with Ivermectin – IOTW Report

Reports: Lawmakers and Their Families Are Secretly Being Treated with Ivermectin

TeamTuckerCarlson- A new claim is making the rounds of the media that members of Congress and their staff members are being treated with ivermectin.

The claim was posted on Twitter through the account of Dr. Pierre Kory, whose bio says he was formerly “ Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin.”

His tweet links to the website of the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

“Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at None have gone to hospital. Just sayin’,” he tweeted. more

h/t Joan6Pak

35 Comments on Reports: Lawmakers and Their Families Are Secretly Being Treated with Ivermectin

  1. Like I tell my friend in Israel, your government knows full & well that your military readiness is being degraded. Just because the true fatality count in your armed services is not being made public, doesn’t mean it’s not tracking the public death count, now the highest in the world as you’re into the 3rd booster mandate.

    And bet your ass if they know the true stats on military readiness, they are taking steps to make sure they stay healthy.
    Which is so ironic for the jews to become the most authoritarian country in the west.

    Plus you know the Palis are probably close to 100% unvaxx. They’re seeing the degradation of pilot roosters on the major airlines and biding their time.

  2. Left Coast Dan
    “wonder what their goals are.”
    To be worshiped as the self appointed royalty they are, to have dominion over all, to offer a barely survivable life, if you behave.

    “military readiness is being degraded.”
    Like requiring all military personnel to get the JAB.
    They don’t care, die or quit, works either way.

  3. @Geoff – although I do like ‘I Left the Coast Dan’. I may be returning to the coast though – although it would be the right one if I move. 🙂

  4. If this proves to be true, and I expect it is, everyone that took the jab, everyone that had an adverse reaction, everyone that had a family member be forced to take Remdesivir and then get put on a ventilator should sue everyone involved in this scandal! This needs to be headlines everyplace!

  5. Well… they are exempt from any vax rules (like the folks handling your mail), so they need some kind of protection..
    Gee wiz.

  6. #Billy
    I’ve got 20 Ziverdo Kits, Ivermectin 3mg,6mg,and 12mg tabs, Hydroxychloroquine 200mg tabs, Zinc, Doxycycline, Amoxil, NAC tabs, vitamin D and C supplements, and enough apple flavored dewormer to……………well…….to choke a horse.
    Top that.

  7. I always thought that they had access to something we(the dirt people) were denied. I said this to some people and they thought I was crazy. The .gov would never do anything like that. I have said it before, but these people are simply evil. I guess it’s all part of being in the club.

  8. A story came out some years ago from a pharmacy in D.C., that they had been delivering many meds to our esteemed reps for senility, alzheimers, and other old age problems. The story was quickly hushed up. MAY THESE BASTARDS ROT IN HELL!

  9. And now there is a report that Gavin Newsom’s daughter is not vaccinated, despite his mandate for kids her age to get the jab. Newsom said she had “a series of other shots to get first.” Sure, Gavin. Are there other shots she needs to go out of the country, maybe to a private school in Scandinavia, where there’s no mandate for jabbing kids? The Vietnam war had draft dodgers. The Vaccine war has jab dodgers.

  10. @Thirdtwin
    I’m guessing all the records at that pharmacy are handwritten and under lock and key if they even keep any.
    Probably another special exemption for the elite. Just like the slush fund for hush money on sexual abuse for them.
    “The government would never do that.”
    ↑↑↑↑↑↑That right there is government approved thinking. The same government that leaves thousands behind in enemy territory along with our equipment.
    The list of wrongs is very long and goes back many years.


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