Chronic Biden hacking sparks concern – IOTW Report

Chronic Biden hacking sparks concern

The explanation for Biden’s frequent coughing has changed over time… Psaki insists it’s just allergies.

Cough, Hack, Chhhhhhaaaggghhh

40 Comments on Chronic Biden hacking sparks concern

  1. More likely than not the hair sniffing shitbag probably has a fur ball lodged in his esophagus.

    In the interest of reaching across the aisle and doing my best to turn over a new leaf and work together with my enemies, I have a suggestion to offer that are consistent with their usual remedies. A plastic hair snake is a good bet and if that doesn’t work try Zep Sulfuric Acid liquid drain cleaner.

  2. Hate to be a spoiler, but I have a chronic cough – VA says I have asthma and I now use a albuterol puffer for when it acts up. I’ve had it for years and so far I’m still kicking. There is of course hope, and perhaps prayers, that it’s not what FJB has.

  3. TheMule
    OCTOBER 10, 2021 AT 1:44 PM
    “Kackle’s McKneepads will make a truly great POTUS for the midterms… for the GOP.”

    Nah, the Democrats will be fine either way. They’ve already given me the 2022 vote tallies, supermajorities in both houses, RINOS only “win” the few extra the Democrats don’t neen.

    Can’t make it TOO lopsided, now, can we? *giggle*

  4. From what I have been experiencing, I have GREAT FAITH and HOPE in the Generation coming up behind us.

    Only wish I will live long enough to witness this clown being the last gasp of failure, lies, deception, incompetence, criminality, broken promises, Tyranny, and TREASON following the re-awakening of a sleepy Nation and beloved Country beginning to Wake UP!.

  5. He just be sharin’ the chronic with his homey Hunter. It’s a little harsh. Nothing to worry about. Well, except maybe for our country with his senile ass in charge.

  6. All the pedophile and supremacist Joe Biden has done is crack on the real presidentT from malignant jealousy. Biden has not done nor said anything beneficial for the American people that he himself hasn’t benefited from in some way. “CONCERN’? None from me and I hope FJB keels over, done and gone forever. Donald Trump surely WILL ‘hump’ on that dead azz of Pedo Joe. Add that it looks to be a typical 5 people in that laughable Biden ‘crowd’.

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