A 16 year old girl who’s showing more courage than most men right now – IOTW Report

A 16 year old girl who’s showing more courage than most men right now

RobbyStarbuck: Meet Grace. She’s a 16 year old girl who’s showing more courage than most men right now. She’s refusing to comply with the mask mandate her Wyoming school board is trying to force. She was fined and arrested. Here’s her arrest. She’s a hero.

17 Comments on A 16 year old girl who’s showing more courage than most men right now

  1. “Once again, everyone involved is just doing their job and none are willing to put anything on the line to stand up against tyranny”

    For Christ sake this is Wyoming. WYOMING. And these Faggot LEO participated in this shit?

  2. To those that were “just doing their jobs.”

    That’s what the nazi’s said. And they were tried in Nuremberg and put to death. There is a higher law you answer to.

    If you are a government employee that puts your job security, paycheck, and pension above the rights of the public you are supposed to serve, we’d all be better off if you just killed yourself.

  3. Universities. Yes, like engineering companies, bring college educated spouses, most all with soft degrees. And there is no limit to their do-gooder-ism. Out I’m Wyoming, dontchaknow, among the ignorant savages.

  4. Watched part of the 6 minute video. Too bad the videographer didn’t shoot any higher then neck level. It would have been nice to see faces and other identifying features for any future legal actions against them.
    Stand strong, Grace! Be an example for your fellow students. Oh, and the free adults as well.

  5. A 16 y/o girl shows courage and the LEOs show shameful Nazi actions.
    The school board needs to be hanged. Every one of them.

    Courage from an unlikely source may make the more timid assured.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The young lady deserves a badge of courage for her unwavering patriotism.
    If her case is brought before a leftist court and not dismissed, she will probably miss her graduation and prom because of constant litigation. Home school is definitely in her future. Still, standing against tyranny at the risk of being ostracized is a tough road for a sixteen yr. old girl.

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