Life in Seattle is about to get very interesting (and that’s not good) – IOTW Report

Life in Seattle is about to get very interesting (and that’s not good)

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Seattle, more than many American cities, vigorously embraced the “Defund the Police” movement. Last year, the Seattle City Council began the process of defunding the police and it’s been continuing ever since, relentlessly slicing away at the city’s police budget. Crime has risen accordingly and people are making noises about getting the police back. However, the radicals have a new arrow in their quiver to reduce the number of police in their city. An October 18 deadline is looming to fire those police who have refused the vaccination and, with only a week to go, roughly 40% of the police force is still unvaccinated.

Since George Floyd’s diseased heart gave out thanks to overdosing on meds and fighting the police, Seattle has been one of those cities that has most enthusiastically sought to rid itself of its police force. Even the fact that the little autonomous zone known as CHAZ instantly turned into warlord hell didn’t deter the council from its mission.

In August 2020, the City Council cut the police force budget by $3.5 million and, instead, put the money into “community public safety programs.” That was by a 7-1 vote. The only person holding out wasn’t doing so because it’s crazy to leave a big city without a police force. Instead, Kshama Sawant felt that the budget cut wasn’t big enough. It was certainly big enough for Police Chief Carmen Best, who promptly resigned. Ironically, this was just months after Sawant and Teresa Mosqueda, another council member, had insisted that the police do their job after a shooting in CHAZ. more

20 Comments on Life in Seattle is about to get very interesting (and that’s not good)

  1. Nah, he’s already given us a plenty of direction over the Millennia, CrackerFJBbaby. I think he’s in the stands sitting this one out. He wants to see what we do.

  2. 40% you say? That’s going to be an awful lot of overtime for the ones that are compliant.
    911- your wait time is approximately 4 days 7 hours and 15 minutes, please stay on the line.
    Bang, click.

  3. The WA state ferry system has been suffering from staffing issues all weekend…similar to SW Airlines. It’s been 2 days so far and almost a hundred sailings cancelled. It’s all about the vax mandate-seems though it’s aimed more at Inslee than old Joe. 🤷‍♀️

  4. Cops have to walk a fine line between defunding and enforcing totalitarian covid rules.
    If I were a cop I would chose a life & career change and NEVER FUCKING LOOK BACK…cue the Boston soundtrack…

    “Don’t look back (ooh, a new day is breakin’)
    Oh, It’s been so long since I felt this way
    I don’t mind (ooh, where I get taken)
    The road is callin’, today is the day…”

  5. And there’s this:
    In an email sent late Friday, the district said it may have to cut two-thirds of its general education bus routes because not enough drivers are complying with the Governor’s vaccine mandate.

    😆 Liberals finding out the resistance isn’t just them hating Trump.

  6. Debbie, your comment reminded me that I have visited Seattle, Australia, California, etc. before their downfall.
    I have lived in a great time before the fall…damn glad of it.

    True patriots need to consolidate in the true RED states and fortify their numbers.
    We have to be at least 20% stronger to overcome ballot cheating.
    Let the blue states fail.
    Ron DeSantis needs to be cloned in a laboratory and run for gov in all red states.

  7. Here’s another Mencken quote that applies:

    “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

  8. I’ve seen Seattle. Beautiful town. Nest of maggots.
    I won’t be going back – that’s for sure.

    I hope and pray that the humans escape before the final collapse into anarchy.
    As for the maggots? Well … it isn’t very Christian of me but I can’t GAF.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Liberals are like spoiled children and conservatives have been the mean parents holding them back from hurting themselves and others. These present times are a result of a lack of good parenting so to speak, the good parents are far and few between. President Trump tried to take up a lot of the slack and lead by example but alas, too many cheats and crazies who need a good spanking. Too bad they won’t learn from their mistakes, instead they will always blame others as they have been taught.

  10. Piles of needles and poop all over downtown. After dark I’ve hardly ever seen a cop. Zombied druggies roaming the streets. Block after block of tents, people living on the sidewalks.

    Used to come to Seattle from Denver several times a year in the 90s & 00s, such a pretty city. Now? A fucking shithole. I’m a ferry ride away and only go through it.

    Everything REgressives touch, they turn to shit. All hell will break loose if 40% of the police force is terminated on top of the many that have already quit.

  11. @ Illustr8r
    I see that is good news. If 2/3 of the bus drivers refuse the jab in a place like Seattle, maybe we are winning? How many national guardsmen do they have available to drive a bus?

  12. @explainist… the traffic is wretched in that town. Also buit on hills and an inch of snow shuts it down.

    What u are seeing in Seattle is the product of University of Washington grads… these cunts have ruined most of the Pacific NW and their medical center has polluted many other states Depart of Health

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