Report: 100 to 200 Congressional Reps and Staff Were Treated with Ivermectin Protocol From Front Line COVID Critical Care Doctors – IOTW Report

Report: 100 to 200 Congressional Reps and Staff Were Treated with Ivermectin Protocol From Front Line COVID Critical Care Doctors

CTH: This is beyond disturbing.  According to Dr Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, and verified by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), 100 to 200 congressional reps and/or staff and families who contracted COVID-19 were treated with the Front Line Ivermectin protocol. [LINK and LINK]

This successful treatment is happening at the same time many congressional representatives are playing politics in favor of the vaccine; downplaying the effective anti-viral treatment and therapeutic approach with Ivermectin; and taking action to block regular American citizens from seeking similar treatment with Ivermectin. more

SNIP: At the MORE link, Dr. John Campbell highlights a comparison between Ivermectin and Molnupiravir.

20 Comments on Report: 100 to 200 Congressional Reps and Staff Were Treated with Ivermectin Protocol From Front Line COVID Critical Care Doctors

  1. Hells bells, no surprise there. The elitist bastard clowngresspersons creed: NOT FOR THEE; JUST FOR ME.

    We taxpayers pay for all of their lobotomies to ensure group think and pickling.

    Nancy isn’t drunk; she’s embalmed. It’s part of the perks.

    They sell their souls as they sell every part of America.

    The saddest thing: WE LET THEM, OVER AND OVER AND OVER ad infinitum.

  2. If true — and I’m 99% certain it is — this is beyond disturbing. We need names of those who used Ivmctn. Damn the patient/doctor privilege, Congress didn’t observe that sanctity with us! Hippa was relegated to the trash over Covid!

    A friend told me yesterday that Merck’s copy of Ivmctn costs $18.00/unit to produce and that Merck is charging the U.S. federal gov’t FORTY TIMES that amount for their drug. I haven’t researched that, but if true it amounts to a kind of war profiteering, especially if you consider the pennies it costs for Ivmctn. And if Merck’s drug truly is ineffective when administered later in the disease’ progression, it’s another tax-paid white elephant.

    Whatever happened to “someone’s going to emergency, someone’s going to jail”?

  3. There’s us and there’s them. They like to remind us of that. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

    Off with their heads I say.

    Let’s Go Brandon!

  4. Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, and a penchant for theft – this characterizes Congress – BOTH houses.
    Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, a penchant for theft, and delusions of adequacy – this characterizes the White Hut.
    Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, a penchant for theft, and delusions of godhood – this characterizes the Judiciary.

    Why we suffer the indignities of those who usurped these places is the mystery.

    A strong purgative is needed. And soon – before no country remains.

    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Weird how these beans were so casually spilled, it’s almost as if the Congressional narcissists issued a press release…like they’re flaunting it. Something else is going on here. Let’s see how the Lugenpresse, and Fauci in particular. treat this.

  6. When they mandated oBlowme Care and exempted themselves, the writing was on the wall.

    They see the innate goodness of Americans and perceive gullibility. All they pursue is the opportunity to enrich themselves and screw us and this nation.

    Every agenda they pursue is a LIE: strident environmentalism, deceitful tiered health care, free everything for targeted voters (not necessarily legitimate voters, or even citizens).

    There have been so many egregious betrayals that no punishment is enough — and I’m supposed to be a ‘domestic terrorist’???

    LET’S GO BRANDON! Time to throw out the trash, all of Congress.

  7. Don’t doubt this little tidbit of hypocrisy in the least, surprised it took this long to get out. Of course nothing will happen, and they know it, they have the FIB Stazi attacking anybody who speaks out against them.

  8. I’m surprised if took some so long to catch on. I have said for months that the “elites” are taking something we common folks didn’t have. There was some reason they have their maskless get together and pictures get out of them talking together and laughing together maskless. It actually worse then that they REFUSED to let us use the life saving drugs. When did the republicans stand up for us? Have you heard Ted Cruz or Mitch the bitch stand up and demand we get the same treatments.How many of those old farts in Congress or all of government have died of covid? How many old loved ones in nursing homes could have been saved it they were treated with ivermectin? Isn’t it time for a reckoning?

  9. I’m goin for my 4th booster, dropping like flies, OMG wishful thinkin but guess what not happening, but if I does lets all hope may the former guy be the first. Please save some ivermectin for all the animals that really need it instead of downing it like kool-aid. Me, I’ll be shredding at a store near you.

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