Happy Columbus Day – IOTW Report

Happy Columbus Day

We can celebrate both Columbus Day and Indigenous People’s Day.

WaEx: The first official Columbus Day celebration occurred in 1792 in New York, to commemorate the tricentennial of the explorer’s landing. A century later, President Benjamin Harrison issued a proclamation “recommending to the people the observance in all their localities of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America” and describing Christopher Columbus as “the pioneer of progress and enlightenment.”

The celebration of this holiday is rooted in our country’s history and should continue. Yet, since the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery, there has been a push to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. Three states voted for the change just this year. more

Genocide, slavery, and rape: Let’s remember the atrocities of indigenous peoples.

WaEx: The history of humanity is a horrifying tale, filled with every evil one could possibly imagine. Most of human history is poverty, tyranny, and violence — centuries of unbelievable suffering. Today is the rare exception.

For whatever reason, humans have always had the innate thirst to conquer one another. This has been the case for all civilizations throughout history. But today’s leftists want to revise history to fit their agenda. They act as if history began in 1492 and focus solely on incidents in which white people are portrayed as aggressors. They constantly reference slavery but ignore the fact that black people owned slaves in the United States or that the slave trade began in Africa. It’s why you were never taught about the many instances in history in which people of color massacred each other. more

22 Comments on Happy Columbus Day

  1. The reality is that even had Columbus not existed, the Mayflower likely would have sailed when it did, colonization would likely have been similar, USA likely about the same. He deserves credit for being a pioneer and a great salesman, but ships were already leaving Europe to sail in all directions around the world in search of opportunities. Americas would have been discovered within 2 decades regardless, with the same result.

  2. Several years ago, the NCAA declared that all college athletic teams named after American Indians should change their names or suffer sanctions. NCAA is headquartered in INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. You can’t make this shit up.

  3. Early pioneers in Indiana we’re having a rough winter and almost starving.
    A young Indian man came through the village with a basket of apples.
    The settlers got greedy, stole the apples, and killed the young Indian.
    They were feeling remorse and decided to dedicate the town to the young Indian with those apples.


    They named it Gary because the indian’s name was Gary.

  4. Me, too! I’m an indigenous American, born in Annapolis MD.

    I’m proud to be an American, and proud not to live in Maryland any more. Western MD is a pretty nice area, and so is a lot of the Eastern Shore, but the rest of the state sux.

  5. But what about indigenous Buffalos Day? They were here long before the so-called indigenous people were and who, by the way, almost wiped them out (and, to add insult to injury, roasted them over a barbecue spit and ate them)!

  6. Don’t laugh folks. Take this shit very seroiusly.

    Turdeau created Canuckistan’s first Truth & Reconciliation Day (a native apology day so to speak) on Sept 30th.

    How did he celebrate?

    He ignored official invitations, and Fucked off on vacation with his family and ignored the whole fucking thing after thrusting it on US.

    We Already have an indigenous day on JUNE 21.

    Just another attempt to Erase Western European Achievement & create more Bullshit!

  7. Maryland’s a good place to be FROM!
    Lived there from 1967 to 2008 – all downhill.
    NOT retirement friendly. Not worker friendly. Not cracker friendly.
    Tax and spend, spend and tax, tax and steal.
    A relentless cycle. The corruption is rampant – AND obvious!
    They no longer attempt to hide it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Here in Tallahassee we have an annual event called Springtime Tallahassee. The honored position was that of Andrew Jackson. He was first Territorial Governor.

    Now, he is an object of protest. I remember in the 1950s on the old Disney version of Davy Crockett, Davy was out there killin’ injuns with Old Hickory. We all knew of his past as General Jackson, but, he still was President at one time.

    The old question is, would one of these protesters refuse cash if you paid them with $20 bills?

  9. Spokane is named after a local Indian chief named Spokane Garry. We have a Garry middle school which we used to call Junior HS and a Chief Garry Park on Mission Avenue which was founded in the 1910’s. And a Sacajawea middle school which I attended from 1965 to 1967.

  10. The ranks of the Left are filled with bitter, resentful fuckups. So when they see someone or something that is a net positive, the first thing they want to do is year it down, criticize it, cheapen it.

    First they deliberately detailed the 1992 Columbus celebrations, which would have been an epic year long party.

    Then they recently shit all over NOLA’s 300 year anniversary, fucking that up too.

    The only way to stop these assholes is to go all Dave Chappelle on them and tell them to STFU.

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