The ‘China Fantasy’ is dying a public death – IOTW Report

The ‘China Fantasy’ is dying a public death

WaEx: Looking at unfolding world events, from the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan to China’s menacing of Taiwan, there is much reason for cynicism. But there is good news where one least expects it: China.

U.S. attitudes toward China have changed dramatically in the last few years — and for the better. Spurred by the Communist Party’s cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights abuses, and arrogant bellicosity abroad, people are waking up to this regime’s true nature. In an age of hyper-partisanship, that recognition extends across party lines.

A February 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that nearly nine-in-ten U.S. adults consider China to be “a competitor or enemy, rather than a partner.” And 48% think that “limiting China’s power and influence should be a top foreign policy priority for the United States” — up from 32% in 2018. 67% of Americans hold a negative view of China — up from 46% two years prior.

Other polling indicates this trend . A Gallup poll from March 2021 found that the number of Americans who view China as the chief enemy of the U.S. has doubled in one year, from 22% to 45%. Significantly, a Chicago Council on Global Affairs survey from December 2020 found that only 34% of Americans “believe that the U.S. government has handled China’s rise effectively.” read more

15 Comments on The ‘China Fantasy’ is dying a public death

  1. I think China is like a cornered superpower wannabe. Certainly a world class power, and as dangerous as a cornered animal. They are absolutely an enemy of world peace and should be treated as such. They will bring conflict in their quest for domination.

  2. This is the most dangerous time…

    “Japan’s breathtaking rise had two important consequences, one emotional and the other practical. Japanese leaders resented Western nations’ patronizing of the “clever” Japanese. More importantly, the rapid industrialization revealed a crucial weakness affecting national growth and security: Japan was a heavily populated country barely capable of feeding itself and bereft of natural resources vital for industry. Maintaining the status quo of importing from the West the raw materials and commodities it needed would lock Japan into a dependent role with the United States and other Western nations…”

    Beware the cornered Asian totalitarian.

  3. China is in deep shot. Not only can they not deliver their goods, they’re out of electricity. They’re running their manufacturing plants one day a week. Joe The Retards war on coal fucked them bigly. China is cut desperate, broke, and dangerous

  4. While I hold no animus against the individual people of China, neither do I hold them in any special esteem. They allowed themselves to be taken over two generations ago and still have not found the cultural determination to take back their freedoms.

    As for CHINA, the psychotic nuclear power intent on global domination?

    Nuke it from space. It’s the only way to be sure.

  5. China is beset with internal problems thus the reversion to Mao by Winnie the Poo. They are in a race against time to collapse us before they collapse.

    That’s why the powers behind the Pedo are in Narxist overdrive.

    They have invested heavily in corruption of America and its politicians for decades while hijacking our tech and intellectual property.

    Then in full coordination with our federal government health apparatus their military and our CIA launched a bio-weapon to take out PDJT and begin the great reset. Thus we have been at war with China for decades.

    Our political class and the uni-party are a wholly-owned subsidiary of China and they will attack Taiwan now that they have successfully installed the Pedo and Cackling Whore.

    All the actions taken by the Pedo are at the behest of China and global cabal as they hollow out our economy, our military/first responders, and our freedoms.

    It’s all by design to collapse us from within.

    Sun Tzu would be proud of Winnue the Poo.

  6. Slouching Tiger, Biden Moron.
    Our political class smells the odor of decay and are stuffing their pockets with all they can thieve. The “plan” seems to be to strip the carcass of the former Republic and leave the bones to the third-world illegal-alien invading rat-people. The chinks don’t have to invade – they’ll own it by default – some $Trillions of Gov’t securities in their possession – and it doesn’t matter that it’s “funny money” – they’ll own all our plant – every machine, every blade of grass, every ear of corn, every pig, every cow, every pound of Uranium – for a generation to come.
    Our political class has been selling us out since (at least) the Clinton Administration – probably as early as Carter – but Clinton, for sure, was selling the chinks our ICBM telemetry (for example). Have we all forgotten the “Buddhist Temple” bullshit? That was 30 years ago!
    And we have sat with our thumbs in our asses expecting the Traitors who are destroying us to save us!
    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. what Cisco said.

    China’s economy is crashing, it is going to take the stock exchange with it,and Americans who invested in China are going to crash and burn.

    This is going to cause a world wide economic crisis.

    Stock up.

    I read about this on Epoch News

  8. No matter what the polls say, Americans still Buy China goods, many no longer produced in the US as corporations send their businesses to china for production. Those goods that are produced in the US are more costly. Due to the Biden failed, manufactured economic policies, the dollar buys less forcing Americans to buy cheaper chinese goods for their household.
    Until Americans boycott Chinese goods, we pump-up the communist party to fund their war machine and their economy.
    Buy American, if you can find it.

  9. “As of the end of November, China owned US$1.063 trillion of the total outstanding US government debt issued by the US Department of the Treasury. Since the start of the trade war in 2018, there has been concern over China possibly weaponising its US debt holding as a way to retaliate against trade tariffs Topic | US-China relations
    Is Accessible For Free: False
    US debt to China: how big is it and why is it important ……

    izlamo delenda est …

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