Federal Judge Blocks United Airlines From Imposing Employee Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Blocks United Airlines From Imposing Employee Vaccine Mandate

Breitbart – A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) against United Airlines on Wednesday, blocking the airline from imposing a vaccine mandate against any of its employees in a nationwide class-action lawsuit.

According to the judicial order, which could be the first of its kind in the country against a coronavirus vaccine mandate, United Airlines is prohibited from placing employees with religious and medical exemptions on unpaid leave until October 26 while litigation continues. The judge also prohibited the airline from denying any employee requests for religious or medical exemptions. Previously, the airline did not allow employees to apply for an exemption after August 31.

Earlier in the case, the airline agreed of its own accord to postpone its vaccine mandate until October 15 for employees with exemptions during litigation. The day before the October 8 hearing, however, United filed a partial motion to dismiss, alleging the court lacked jurisdiction over the claims in the lawsuit. In order to allow the court reasonable time to respond to the jurisdictional challenge and to rule in the evidentiary hearing for a preliminary injunction, which was reset for Wednesday, the judge issued the TRO.

United Airlines originally told its 67,000 U.S. employees they must be vaccinated against Chinese coronavirus (or secure an exemption) by September 27 or face termination. As the airline’s vaccine mandate stands, any employees with exemptions would still be considered employed but would be placed on unpaid leave and would lose their benefits for up to six years or until the airline deems pandemic conditions safe for unvaccinated employees to return, according to the complaint.

“It is unconscionable to force any person to undergo a medical treatment that they object to as a matter of faith,” said Ken Blackwell, formerly the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and currently with the American Constitutional Rights Union. “When so many other nations recognize that there is no medical reason for people with natural immunity to take a vaccine, it is essential that America lead the way to protect our citizens’ rights on that front also.”

The class action lawsuit, which powerhouse Washington, D.C. law firm Schaerr Jaffe filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas in September, represents up to 2,000 United Airlines employees. more here

9 Comments on Federal Judge Blocks United Airlines From Imposing Employee Vaccine Mandate

  1. I think the United pilots and other employees may have been reading some of the stuff I have lately. Rumors of several pilots from different airlines / countries dying suddenly after getting the jab. Even if the jab doesn’t kill them, the pilots know that blood clots or many other known side effects could end their careers as pilots.

    The video at the link below is about 14 minutes but discussed a lot of interesting things including a story about a recently vaccinated Delta pilot dying while at the controls within the last 2 weeks.


  2. Probably, not a good idea to be flying around anywhere nowadays.

    The scamdemic appears being used as a worldwide Pol Pot, Killing Field. This whole thing is growing more and more suspicious. And, Shazzam! The annual seasonal flu suddenly disappeared off the charts and out of the news. According to some Doctors, COVID-19 has yet to be identified.

    It likely would have never reached this point had Trump remained in the White House.


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