Why Was Kammy In Palm Springs, California? – IOTW Report

Why Was Kammy In Palm Springs, California?

If you have any ideas…

Patriot Retort:
Back on October 6, Kamala Harris took off for a mysterious overnight trip clear across the country to Palm Springs, California. She had no public events or meetings on her schedule, and she was back in DC by the next day.

Has anyone said what the hell she was doing there?

Her office certainly was secretive about it. Reporters weren’t even allowed to go to Joint Base Andrews to see her off on Air Force Two. No word on whether they were placated with another batch of Kamala cookies.

Thing about it is, Palm Springs politicians didn’t even know why the hell she was flying there. Sure, the Mayor of Palm Springs, Christy Gilbert Holstege tweeted out a greeting. But the local news said Democrats were taken completely by surprise when they heard that Kamala was coming to town.

She arrived at Palm Springs International Airport, and, according to the local news, her motorcade was escorted downtown under a heavy police presence. Only, nobody would say where they hell she was going or why. more here

30 Comments on Why Was Kammy In Palm Springs, California?

  1. “Back on October 6”

    I seem to remember this incident, vaguely. Still no media interest? It’s almost as if everybody knows that she was doing nothing of consequence, only trying to generate some buzz.

    Kind of like that time they tried to insinuate that Barky was having an affair. With a woman. Everybody knew that wasn’t happening.

    And remember all the speculation back in 2020 when she was picked for VP, and everybody thought she was the shadow President? Sorry, Kamala, the Machiavelli illusion is never coming back.

  2. Was it between September 29 and October 3? Cuz that’s Dinah Shore week in Palm Springs and it is a big gathering for lesbians. Maybe Cumala got tired of guzzling jizz and wanted to go for some muff.

  3. “and these idiot reporters don’t seem to give a damn”

    Oh, they know what she was doing, and they only appear to not give a damn.

    Just like Hunter’s laptop.
    And Biden’s ineptitude, or his 10%.

    It wasn’t Donald Trump, or anyone on the right, so regardless of what she did there’s no outrage to make up and report against political enemies (terrorists). No outrage = crickets.


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