Judge refuses to dismiss Jussie Smollett criminal case – IOTW Report

Judge refuses to dismiss Jussie Smollett criminal case

Post Millennial:

A judge Friday denied an attempt to dismiss a criminal court case against actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of lying to police when he reported that he was the victim of a racist, anti-gay attack in downtown Chicago in January 2019. This is according to the Washington Times.

Smollett’s attorney said the actors’ rights are being violated since he already performed community service and given up a $10,000 bond under a previous deal.

This previous deal was with Cook County prosecutors to drop charges. However, the judge denied this appeal as the case is now being led by a special prosecutor, who was appointed by another judge. more here

10 Comments on Judge refuses to dismiss Jussie Smollett criminal case

  1. Fame has a price ….10 grand in your case is just the down payment. Before this is over, because of the current social/political climate jussie, be prepared to pay with your reputation, dignity and the majority of your financial holdings.

  2. He’s probably aghast that he didn’t get off because he’s a poor black victim. For what he did the punishment is no where near enough. He should be bunking with bubba in prison right now.

  3. Just give him the bill for all the wasted cop & legal resources that could have been spend prosecuting conservatives.

    P.O.S. LIAR/Race Baiter, Shit Sticker!

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