Gina Carano Cancels Movie Over COVID Vax Mandate, Moves Entire Set to Montana – IOTW Report

Gina Carano Cancels Movie Over COVID Vax Mandate, Moves Entire Set to Montana

Western Journal-

Words like “brave” and “hero” have lost all meaning in today’s culture.

Such terms used to be reserved for those willing to risk their lives and reputations for the greater good.

Now, those labels are given exclusively to those who say and do exactly what the mainstream culture demands of them. Unlike these supposed “heroes,” Gina Carano doesn’t acquiesce to the culture’s demands.

Doing so has cost her greatly and yet, the former MMA star turned fan-favorite actress has remained unwilling to abandon her conservative principles.

After Disney fired her from working on “The Mandalorian” series, Carano was given a second chance with The Daily Wire’s budding film studio.

The two had joined forces to create a movie produced by Carano titled “White Knuckle,” which would have seen Carano “star as a traumatized woman who hires a long-hauler to track down an infamous serial killer,” according to Deadline. As the film was set to enter production, the filmmakers over at The Daily Wire ran into a bit of a hiccup. more here

9 Comments on Gina Carano Cancels Movie Over COVID Vax Mandate, Moves Entire Set to Montana

  1. Thank you Gina.

    Thank you firefighters and police officers in blue city hellholes.

    Thank you Joe Rogen.

    Thank you to all of the people that have a platform that are pushing back and opening eyes.

    The First Amendment is protected by the Second Amendment, and if the little people in power keep pushing, they are going to find out exactly what it was that the Founders had in mind.

  2. Has anyone noticed the irony that is unfolding with this jab man-date?

    Most conservatives oppose the man-date – not necessarily the jab, but the man-date. Most conservatives oppose unions. Unions are leading the opposition to corporate man-dates.

    I find myself thanking and cheering on the unions. I wonder what it will do to the public’s opinion of them if they are successful.

  3. No question the jab is a de-pop plan. And I am so proud of these few that stand up against it. Just read an out-there theory: Whatever is truly in charge knows of some coming disaster, and for humans to make it out the “other side” of this disaster, they want the total pop much lower to survive it.
    This new theory seems tooooo convenient for my taste.


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