Happy 100th Birthday, Betty Crocker! – IOTW Report

Happy 100th Birthday, Betty Crocker!

Come on every Betty, let’s take a look back at some of the most popular cakes from every decade. We may be 100 years old, but these cakes are timeless. Just don’t ask us to pick a favorite, that’s too hard.

Betty Crocker turns 100 this year! To celebrate, I’m covering the history of Betty Crocker and her famous cake mix. We’ll talk about Betty Crocker’s origins, how she transitioned from the voice of a flour company to her own brand, and how she popularized cake mixes. – The Vintage Company

18 Comments on Happy 100th Birthday, Betty Crocker!

  1. Happy birthday, indeed! I remember my mother faithfully clipping the coupons on the outside of the Betty Crocker cake mix boxes and saving them until she had enough to buy flatware, which my dad still uses today. Happy birthday, Betty, and thanks for being a delicious part of our family for so many years.

  2. Have only ever eaten it if someone else makes it. Tastes fine to me but I remember my grandma’s (both). I and my sister like still making ours from scratch. I think it helps us remember better times because it’s what remember fondly. Hers is better but people don’t pass on mine either. And admittedly canned frosting saves a lot of dirty dishes.

  3. I grew up on Betty Crocker cake. I handled my mother’s estate sale after she died. Being stoic in nature I was unemotional about her death until when going through the kitchen pots and pans I reached in a lower cupboard and pulled out the pan which I remembered her using to bake my birthday cakes. A jolt of energy literally shot through me and it caused me to weep uncontrollably.

  4. Oh, Billy, that even made me cry!

    I just made a pumpkin pie using my 1950’s Betty Crocker cook book. And one of my stand-by’s is Betty’s “Fluffy Meat Loaf” recipe.

    I sure do remember BC’s cake mixes as a kid, too! Yum!

  5. If you are in a pinch, look up her “Emergency Steak”
    Hamburger with carrots to make a T-bone steak, to feed the boss.
    She was great and so is her food.


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