Monsters – IOTW Report


Texas nurse convicted of killing four heart surgery patients with air.

2 men dead, woman found shackled and beaten after meeting suspect on dating app.

Massachusetts art professor sentenced for attacking colleague in ‘four-hour torture session’.

More crimes here

18 Comments on Monsters

  1. Anyone advocating against capital punishment needs to read out loud the case against the felon. It is one thing to say ‘I am against killing people’ and another to actually say out loud what this person has done and then say you think they should not be put to death.

  2. Brad OCTOBER 22, 2021 AT 5:32 PM

    A gun? One is none. Two is one, etc., etc. etc.

    Never carry ONE! Then when asked “Are you carrying a gun?” I have often said “I rarely carry A GUN.” or “I’m carrying A GUN.” You have to be able to enjoy yourself when retards ask stupid questions.

    Sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself with the comments…

  3. Don’t forget the vaccine, DifferentTim. When you get the vaccine, you’re keeping ME safe and protected across the Internets!! But if you don’t get the vaccine, you’re a MONSTER! There are no monsters here, right? Right?

  4. @General Malaise – I did get the J&J jab in June, as I have mentioned earlier and not for the supposed benefits but to be able to go to scout camp. An hour ago I received a text message from state of CO telling me to go get a booster. Nope. Never gonna happen.

  5. They’re going to be crawling out of the woodwork, now.
    There are no constraints.
    More of them will be from the FBI, CIA, NSA, &c. and the local police.
    Hell unleashed upon the Earth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Anymouse

    Love ya buddy. I guess we had a rough start. I carry one gun, and 4 mags. I also have a couple extra mags in my truck. I just stared recently carrying an edged weapon. Took a few classes. Every one should be carrying a knife.

  7. @Brad OCTOBER 22, 2021 AT 5:32 PM
    Couldn’t agree more.
    Reminds me of the old joke about a cop pulling over an old lady and finds she has 3 handguns. He asks her “What are you afraid of?”
    She answers, “Not a damn thing”.


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